SP main program EN – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Category Archives for SP main program EN

Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.

This week is about Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity. How are those seemingly differing terms are interconnected. We are going to repeat one of our exercise videos from week 14 – you will

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Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.

This week is about Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity. How are those seemingly differing terms are interconnected. We are going to repeat one of our exercise videos from week 14 – you will

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Week 35: WELD week 4 – Alzheimers & Neurodegenerative Diseases

Last week was about core strength and mobility. This is very crucial to know the difference between sick and healthy kinds of fitness. It’s not just simple mechanics and it’s not about pumping

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Save hours cloning this default weekly course postINTROPHYSIOLOGYPRACTICALSUPPORTBUDDY TALK Listen: Hara Maneuver against procrastinationUse this audio over and over to ensure deeper learning. Deeper

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Week 3: What drives Eric Clark – One pointed attention

Humans have wonderful minds and mine is always busy. I will often find myself thinking about the past or worrying about the future. And yet I must admit to myself… the only place I can have any influence

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Sakharoff Protocol for reversal of Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimers, Parkinsons

Sakharoff Protocol for reversal of Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Huntingtons among others I’m exited to give you a close insight into my Sakharoff Protocol for reversal

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Week 37: Integrative week no.7 – Connecting Breathing and Nutrition

Last week was about Health Paradox and Paradigm. The Health is a Question of Responsibility. Who is responsible for your health the doctor, the health care system or yourself? Was this

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Core Strength and Mobility

Today we are talking about core strength and mobility. This is very crucial to know the difference between sick and healthy kinds of fitness. It’s not just simple mechanics and it’s not about

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WELD week 3 – Diabetes

This week is our WELD week nr.3 and we are talking about different kinds of Diabetes. We are also talking about insulin resistance and how it is connected with 2 kinds of health – reproductive and

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The power of daily practice

Today we are talking about the power of daily practice. We used to think about setting targets as the strongest way towards better learning. But in this course we are talking about the process… Is

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