Anabolic vs catabolic, cytoblastic vs cytoclastic – the normal balance between the processes of cellular division and cellular death are crucial in order to understand and to reverse cancer. The imbalances that lead to formation of cancer tumors and to cancer cell proliferation are not ONLY caused by what we put in our mouth. I think it’s a fallacy to think that way.
Chronic imbalance between cellular division and cellular death and chronically low cell oxygenation are two different pictures of the same impaired cell metabolism.
Normalising eating patterns according to our evolutionary roots is absolutely crucial – but it’s not enough for many people to reverse AND prevent secondary cancers. We need to ensure stable lifestyle change in different areas of our life – where the biggest problem is compliance with the protocols that heal. How do we do that?Medical industry uses genetic research to develop drugs approaching single genetic pathways – particular to each kind of tumor.—new/6
There is so much misunderstanding about our human evolutionary roots. And there is a lot of evidence showing that cancers and autoimmune diseases are related to the chronic disfunction of the gastro-intestinal system. WHY? Let’s talk about the connection between our human roots, our DNA and our health. Today I’m interviewing Miki Ben-Dor, Paleo-anthropologist. PhD. Postdoc at Tel Aviv University. Researching the causal relation between Paleolithic nutrition and human evolution.—new/5
Can the latest genetic research be used to understand how Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approaches work? Let’s talk exogenous s endogenous healing. In other words, approaching the symptoms through pills (exogenous) vs approaching the causes through the body’s own cell environment (endogenous).—new/4
Articles for the Buteyko Breathing Educators Association:
Article written for Danish breathing therapist Lotte Paarup:
Subscribe to the blog and download the full 15-page E-book and MP3 audio
Article written in Danish newspapers:
ENGLISH: Misha Sakharoff from Nødebo has built an online course of 50 weeks which should help the trainee to remove stress, asthma and diabetes. Health can be improved with a integrated effort by combining nutrition, breathing, mental training, physical movement and immunity, writes Frederiksborg County newspaper.
The first results are positive, although the first students only halfway through the course. A woman is recovering from her cancer illness and a football player has with the help of mental training had removed his asthma.
Sakharoff calls this integrative health. It is about looking at the whole picture in order to heal the whole person. Systematic personal training in the long run can do more for the health than medicine, supplements and surgery – combined. The course integrates the teaching of physiology of the body with psychophysiological mental training, supported lifestyle change and constant personal follow-up.
DANISH: Misha Sakharoff fra Nødebo har opbygget et online-kursus på 50 uger, som skal hjælpe brugeren med at fjerne stress, astma og sukkersyge. Helbredet kan forbedres med en samlet indsats ved at kombinere ernæring, vejrtrækning, mentaltræning, fysisk bevægelse og immunforsvar. Det skriver Frederiksborg Amts Avis.
De første resultater er positive, selv om de første kursister kun er godt halvvejs i forløbet. En kvinde er på vej ud af sin cancer-sygdom og en fodboldspiller har ved hjælp af mentaltræning fået fjernet sin astma.
Sakharoff kalder det for integrativt helbred. Det handler om at se på helheden, når en person skal helbredes. Systematisk personlig træning på længere sigt kan gøre mere for helbredstilstanden end både medicin, kosttilskud og operative indgreb – tilsammen. Kurset integrerer undervisning i kroppens fysiologi med psykofysiologisk mentaltræning, støttet livsstilsforandring samt konstant personlig opfølgning.
In these podcasts I’m interviewed on different internet media sites, blogs and podcasts:
In these videos I’m interviewed on natural cancer healing by health blogger and researcher Steve Pickering.
Part 3, One-Pointed Attention training/ Hara
Part 5, Optimization of breathing, Buteyko method
Part 6, Multiple purpose Physical exercise
STOP DIABETES – Insulin and Longevity without Disease
STOP ALZHEIMERS – Neurodegeneration and Lifestyle
STOP HEART DISEASE – Treat Causes not Symptoms
LIFE CHANGE IS VITAL – Flow & Organic Learning