His Wife Helped Him To Stop GBM Brain Tumor – Watch Her Tell The Story – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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His Wife Helped Him To Stop GBM Brain Tumor – Watch Her Tell The Story

Every week I’m giving you the inspiration to take over responsibility for your health in your own hands through my series of WEEKLY FREE WEBINARS.

Today we are talking about the role of the family, which is crucial when we want to reverse cancer – working without drugs, but with metabolic approach.

GBM glioblastoma - act before you cross the point of no return

Without Lotte’s help it wouldn’t have been possible…

Watch my new LIVE webinar session today including the interview with Lotte here:


BEAT BRAIN TUMOR Intensive Bootcamp
I will also tell you about our bootcamp where we now have families from US, Canada, England, Scotland, Denmark and Belgium. I will tell you how we work in two groups – one for adults and their families and one for families with children, that are diagnosed with different tumors as GBM, DIPG, AA, MB. Everybody cooperates through our closed Facebook community group. We have a truly great vibe working together at our BEAT GBM/ BEAT DIPG Intensive Bootcamp.

Watch the replay of this LIVE webinar session:



After you have registered for a replay, I will send you invitations to my weekly online webinars.
I am looking forward to meet you LIVE online and answer your questions.
I also look forward to inspire you to take responsibility for your health in your own hands!

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