ketogenic nutrition – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " ketogenic nutrition "

Dr. Paul Saladino MD

Paul Saladino’s Ideas on Carnivore, Keto & Carbs – A Critical List of Essential Points for In-Depth Research to Better Understand Evolutionary Human Nutrition

Paul Saladino’s ideas on carnivores, keto and carbohydrates – list of essential points for in-depth research to better understand evolutionary human nutrition

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Beating Aggressive Glioblastoma Brain Tumor With Sakharoff Protocol

My dearest blog subscribers! I just NEED to tell you the BIGGEST NEWS! WE DID IT!!! My second client with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) won over his tumor. THE TUMOR IS GONE! He had an MRI-scan last week

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How to stop metabolic and cognitive decline without medication

How to stop metabolic and cognitive decline without medication – with small steps

It’s never too late! At this time of the year one year ago my mother, aged 76, and my father, aged 84, both struggled with serious “age related” health issues. My mother struggled with high

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Glioblastoma multiforme - 9 month integrative cure. Learning points from the remission of Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor

Learning points from the remission of Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor

The therapeutic regimen has to be drastic in order to eliminate the circumstances where the cancer can not be triggered again. The regimen has to be followed rigidly during the rest of your life. This

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Testimonial - My Most Authentic Marathon! Nana Sefeld Dalby, MSc in Food Innovation and Health

Testimonial – My Most Authentic Marathon!

I am 35 years old, have asthma and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Besides, I love running and have run 5 marathons so far. I learned the breathing techniques that Misha is teaching, eight years ago,

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Why do the medical oncological professionals continue to promote and protect the practice of chemotherapy?

Why do medical professionals promote chemotherapy?

INVASIVE vs. NON-INVASIVE Because that’s the best, they actually can offer. The medical oncological professionals are not taught any other ways to treat cancer that the invasive therapies – chemotherapy,

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New opportunities for Treatment of Alzheimer's - if you are newly diagnosed

New treatment opportunities for newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is feared. With good reason. For the affected, the disease is debilitating and unfortunately without the prospect of healing. For the relative, it’s almost worse because

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Heart or hara?

Heart or Hara? What comes first for the Samurai – and for you?

Don’t forget about the heart? It happens often on forums on Facebook. When we talk physiology I used to hear people saying “Don’t forget about the heart”. I admit that I had a

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Riding 160 km on water only. Combining fitness and health for cycling athletes.

How to optimise breathing for cycling 160 km on water

Amateur cycling athlete testimonial My name is Sean, I live in Devon in England, and I have been on Misha’s 50-week programme for sports performance for 4 months now. So, the programme is reasonably

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uteyko breathing optimisation & Ketogenic diet for Asthma

How to cure Asthma Naturally with Breathing & Diet

“I was drawn to working with Misha because I liked the fact that he worked with a multidisciplinary approach – in particular diet and breathing – and with apparent openness to both. I had found

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