May 2016 – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Archive Monthly Archives: May 2016

Can we use night time to recover and rejuvenate on the cellular level?

When we work with ketogenic nutrition our sleeping habits get better – and we start using the night to recover and not to just sleeping. This week we go in depth into different aspects of sleeping.

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Ketogenic nutrition – New lifestyle against disease

Today we start working with ketogenic nutrition. We don’t call it diet. It’s a life change. When you become adapted to it it doesn’t feel like a struggle. This way of eating is truly

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How to measure the overall state of health – Control Pause

Today we talk about measuring the body’s overall state of health – Control Pause. When you learn it,  you will always be able to see the progress on your way to normalising your breathing

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Systemic inflammation

This week’s teaching is all about systemic inflammation. What does it mean and how can we use the knowledge about it to connect with both physical, mental and immune resilience? How is the systemic inflammation

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