Today we talk about measuring the body’s overall state of health – Control Pause.
When you learn it, you will always be able to see the progress on your way to normalising your breathing – and your health as a whole. That’s an experience for your life!
It is important that you follow the correct order – there is an important detail that cannot be skipped!
1. Start by watching the GENERAL DISCOURSE to get an insight into this week’s subject – approx. 12 min.:
2. When you have completed this, you can proceed to PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 14 min.:
3. And so on to TRAINING – approx. 7 min.:
NB! It is important to view the videos in the correct order – there are details that must not be overlooked!
Good training!
Misha Sakharoff
Remember to be inquisitive and ask questions! Ask directly at the bottom of the page under Leave a Comment.
I will answer as soon as possible, often the same day.
Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.
Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.
Week 35: WELD week 4 – Alzheimers & Neurodegenerative Diseases
Week 3: What drives Eric Clark – One pointed attention
Sakharoff Protocol for reversal of Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimers, Parkinsons
Week 37: Integrative week no.7 – Connecting Breathing and Nutrition
Core Strength and Mobility