Last week was about Health Paradox and Paradigm. The Health is a Question of Responsibility.
Who is responsible for your health the doctor, the health care system or yourself?
Was this question hard to answer? Now when we have talked about it, this subject became more clear!
Today we have our integrative week no.7, we are connecting breathing and nutrition. There’s certainly a strong connection.
We are normally not aware about this. Let’s look at the whole range of interdependencies that are not obvious from the first sight.
It is important that you follow the correct order – there is an important detail that cannot be skipped!
1. Start by watching the GENERAL DISCOURSE to get an insight into this week’s subject – approx. 13 min.:
2. When you have completed this, you can proceed to PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 31 min.:
For details look at the whiteboard picture with greater resolution: Whiteboard – Week 37: Integrative week no.7 – Connecting Breathing and Nutrition
3. And so on to TRAINING. Today we are repeating the exercise from week 21. This week we talked about nose breathing. It makes very big difference both for mental health, strong immunity and physical resilience. And now you have the possibility to make your own connections from this weeks subject to nose breathing! – approx. 6 min.:
NB! It is important to view the videos in the correct order – there are details that must not be overlooked!
Good training!
Misha Sakharoff
PS: Remember please be inquisitive if you have questions:
Client story – How to reverse recurrent metastatic breast cancer with integrative NPMA – Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach!
Weeks UNUSED 24-37 russian
Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.
Positivity, Process and Neuroplasticity.
Week 35: WELD week 4 – Alzheimers & Neurodegenerative Diseases
Week 3: What drives Eric Clark – One pointed attention
Sakharoff Protocol for reversal of Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimers, Parkinsons