Client story – How to reverse recurrent metastatic breast cancer with integrative NPMA – Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach! – Misha Sakharoff
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Client story – How to reverse recurrent metastatic breast cancer with integrative NPMA – Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach!

Listen to an amazing story about the reversal of recurrent metastatic breast cancer with an integrative Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach!!



When Ingrid from Netherlands started my BBT intensive oncology program, she had a recurrence of metastatic breast cancer. But she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Listen to an amazing story about the reversal of recurrent metastatic breast cancer with an integrative Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach!

"Hello! I'm Ingrid Hoiting. I am with a Beat Brain Tumours program from Misha Sakharoff. And I know Misha because my father knows him, because he's also a Buteyko breathing specialist. And I started with breast cancer, and at that time, I did regular treatment, so - chemo, radiation and hormone therapy. And then I got cancer again and got metastases in the back bones. 

So I thought I wanted to do differently this time because it is a risk, you know, to do chemo or radiation. You never know what's going to happen with your body. And I knew that I would I was going to do something else, something that doesn't harm your body - and something that really resets your body. And I think this is what is going to happen right now - what is happening right now.

Your body gets a total reset
If you start the program with Misha, your your body gets a total reset. So yeah, you do Buteyko exercises, the breathing - you start normalizing your breathing. You start working on your diet - so everything you eat and drink is going to be different.

And I have to laugh because there was a lot of resistance for me. Yeah, it was not so easy to change everything - but you do everything step by step. So, it's okay right now.

Working with stress reduction
And what else? A lot of stress reduction, yeah. By training yourself and being in your higher point. So being, like, sensing your belly all the time when you're walking and it starts to become an automatic pattern - it's not really automatic yet.

And it's not that I don't have stress, but when the acute stress is gone, then you start realizing, Oh, I have to go back to my Hara point. I have to start using my breathing, you know, take your time and go back to your Hara point, basically.

Why Misha?
So why? Why Misha? I think Misha is very nice. First of all, he's a very, very loving person. And I think he really loves his work. You know, that's really important that you really love what you do.

And second of all, he teaches you a lot about physical things. He really wants you to understand what you're doing.

Taking full responsibility
So YOU take responsibility for your own health. And besides that, he's coaching you also mentally and emotionally. So it's everything.

It's your whole life is like on the on the plate, basically. And yeah, well, something needs to change - because something is not going good in your body and you have to change it, you know, because you want to be healthy.

What is the result after 5 months?
So the last time my scan was really good. So most of the cancer cells stayed the same. But in the two big places the cancer was gone, or almost gone. So for me, this is a sign to continue with this program. Yeah, I really like it. So if you're thinking about going to the program, just do it! And good luck."

On our program we have a whole lot of experience working with people with oncological diagnoses - both men and women. Experiencing progress in metabolic changes with breathing normalisation, blood glucose measurement and inflammation markers we slowly remove out crutches phasing out medications and supplements - relying on resurrection of the innate abilities to self-regulate by the body itself.

Below are Ingrid's weekly average measurements in the SHIP app in the first 2 months of training. In the graph below you can see the development of her metabolic health parameters over these 8 weeks of work on the SHIP Metabolic Health program, which is a NPMA - Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach! 

READ MORE: read my article on non-invasive metabolic therapies and NPMA - non-pharmacological metabolic approaches published by Elsevier in 2019.


Blue - Morning control pause (CP), sec - breath-holding time after exhale until first discomfort

Black - Evening control pause (CP), sec - breath-holding time after exhale until first discomfort

Red - Max pause (MP), sec - maximum breath-holding time after exhale

Yellow - morning pulse, bpm

Green - evening pulse, bpm

Light blue - morning glucose

Purple - morning ketones

After the first 2 months of training:

- average weekly CP (Blue) has increased almost three-fold from 12 to 32 sec (60 sec is normal health).

- average maximum pause (Red) doubled from 28 to 55 sec (90 sec is normal health.

- average morning pulse (Yellow) calmed down significantly showing prevalence of stronger immune response with para-sympathetic dominance.

- average morning glucose (Light blue) went down from the 5.0 - 5.5 in average down to 4.5 and stabilised at that level.

Very good results indeed - in just two months of intensive daily work!

Next graph shows her results after 5 months. The graph gives a comprehensive explanation why she succeeded to stop and reverse her metastatic breast cancer. Look at her results!

As you can see, her morning blood measurements are showing high level of ketogenic adaptation after 1 year:

- average morning glucose (Light blue) diminished from 5.2 in the start of the program to the stable 4.0 mmol/L. This is of greatest importance for the reversal of oncological processes according to Warburg effect.

- average morning ketones (Purple) corresponding to the median line of glucose at 4.5 mmol/L diminished from 1.6 to 0.6 mmol/L - which is witnessing of improved stages of enzymatic (ketogenic) adaptation by the body cells to burning fat as a preferred energy source. This is of greatest importance for the reversal of oncological processes, as it disrupts the mutagenic process of cancer cells.

- average weekly morning control pause CP (Blue) has increased to 48 sec - very close to 60 sec, which the level of Normal health, where according to Dr. Buteyko the metabolic state is normalising and the chronic diseases incl. cancer are being reversed!

- average morning maximum pause MP (Red) reached the stable level of 70 sec - also very close to 90 sec, which the level of Normal health, according to Buteyko original breathing evaluation chart he called "Pulmonary Ventilation Criteria", shown below.

- average morning pulse  (Yellow) went down from 75 to 65 bpm, which diminishes the load for the whole cardio-vascular system and uses the freed energy to balance CNS towards parasympathetic dominance, which is great for both the freedom of physical activity - and for the strong immunity!

Buteyko table of health zones

All this was ONLY POSSIBLE because Ingrid TOOK A DECISION to change her life ❤️

If you have an oncological diagnosis and you would like the same results as Ingrid - you need to take full responsibility for your health.

Being diagnosed with cancer (especially Stage 3-4) or other serious life-threatening diagnosis - requires more intensive daily work with additional support. In this case, the SHIP metabolic program is not for you.

Here I would recommend you to consider applying for our intensive BBT program with additional intensive support. Please focus exclusively on the BBT program, an intensive program for brain tumours - where we now also take people with other types of oncology - just as it was in case of Ingrid. A person must be 100 percent ready for serious daily work. You must follow the selection process for the program - learn more about my work using NPMA - Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach:


Are you seriously considering joining one of my programs - but still have some doubts that need clarification? Get your no-obligation 20-minute health strategy consultation
with Misha Sakharoff usually worth 175$ for free ⤵️

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