40 years of ‘promising’ Glioblastoma Multiforme studies and no real breakthrough. We have a suggestion – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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40 years of ‘promising’ Glioblastoma Multiforme studies and no real breakthrough. We have a suggestion

For the last 40 years we have had so many “promising” Glioblastoma Multiforme studies and scientific “breakthroughs” just around the corner. Then isn’t it reasonable to ask: Why hasn’t any of the promises been fulfilled? Why didn’t the breakthrough show up? And why didn’t seemingly anybody begin to look in another direction?

We have studied this certain aspect of medical history. And we have a suggestion. Read on.

The scientific research on stopping the aggressive brain cancer type Glioblastoma Multiforme, GBM, started in the seventies. Since then the medical profession has tried to apply chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and proton therapy to fight this terrible condition.

These conventional therapies do show a positive result. They have added an average extra 12 months to the average GBM life expectancy [1,2].

Despite these scant results the medical professionals and most research fundings  are still putting all their eggs in the same basket of Glioblastoma Multiforme studies. They are all trying to discover genetic expression pathways to use with new targeted approaches [3].

You should also wonder why these Glioblastoma Multiforme studies seems to still have easy access to millions and millions of dollars in fundings. When you read into their proposals and press realeases they always express lots of hope and fingers crossed. But at the same time they proceed with the exact same strategy that was followed for 40 years without any major breakthroughs.

This strategy have resulted in a myriad of drug types that have proven to be useless and, at worst, life-shortening.

The expenditure in the field of neurodegenerative diseases is by some scientists called “The Game of Throwns”. Why? Well, clearly because of the immense amount of money spent on research and development of targeted approach medicines. With no results whatsoever.

We Have To Realize This: High Grade Brain Tumors are multifactorial syndromes

A few scientists begin realizing that GBM (Glioblastoma Multiforme), DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine glioma) and other high-grade brain tumors are, in fact, multifactorial syndromes [4]. They are not single factor diseases.

The single-factor approaches targeted at particular genetic expression pathways can not be expected to show results with multi-factorial syndromes. There are hundreds of genes involved in the complex multifactorial syndromes as GBM and DIPG – just as in the cases of other types of cancer.

Targeting single genes will always remain the strategy of targeting single symptoms. Targeting single genes will never be able to address the real causes of a complex disease. This strategy has shown to be a complete fallacy [4].

Today diseases like GBM and DIPG are still as deadly as forty years ago. With five year survival rates of five percent for GBM and one percent for DIPG it is not an exaggeration to say, that conventional approaches failed finding the cure for GBM and DIPG. 

We think it’s high time for a different approach – for a paradigm shift.

The new paradigme treats causes rather symptoms, patient rather than disease

Many recent scientific studies show that metabolic approaches can stop and reverse terminal stages of brain tumors as GBM that are incurable by conventional medicine.

The experimental metabolic approaches by Prof. Thomas Seyfried from Boston College Biology Department [5,6], Dr. Dominic D’Agostino from University of South Florida College Of Medicine [7,8] and Dr. Scaba Toth from Paleomedicina Hungary [9] prove this, as well as the experimental work of Mina Bisell [10] with the normalization of cancer cell environment called extracellular-matrix (ECM).

I used the inspiration from these doctors’ novel metabolic approaches and combined it with something they all are lacking. I’m talking about optimization of oxygenation on the cellular level that are powerful features of Buteyko [11] breathing therapy. The resulting Sakharoff Protocol is engineered to combine optimization of the five main areas of human health to achieve a dramatic synergetic effect on the brain cell environment. 

The Sakharoff Protocol obliges the patient to take responsibility for his own healing

I formulated The Sakharoff Protocol during the last eight years working as a therapist with my 1-on-1 clients. In the process I combined my experience as engineer, project manager, mental trainer, bodywork instructor and breathing therapist.

The healing effect of The Sakharoff Protocol is fully trackable through daily measurements of blood, breathing, sleep quality and other parameters.

The Sakharoff Protocol has helped a number of clients with Glioblastoma brain tumors and other forms of cancer.


Glioblastoma Multiforme IV. Tumor is gone - the only thing left is scar tissue. Ki-Kaizen, hardcore Buteyko with Keto IF/CR, Hara training with for lymph drain

These two images represent a hope – and a victory.

“I don’t really understand how to explain this with my knowledge of physiology”, one of the most experienced neurosurgeons in Denmark said looking at the latest brain scan of my client with Glioblastoma Multiforme IV – the most aggressive malignant brain tumor. “It looks like the tumor has gone – the only thing left is scar tissue…” [12,13]

This is the exact reason why I decided to make the BEAT GBM Intensive Bootcamp. I want to use all my experience to build an intensive framework for a structured daily attempt to stop GBM.


BEAT GBM Intensive Bootcamp uses The Sakharoff Protocol as a metabolic approach optimizing the brain cell environment to stop tumor growth. This is quite another strategy than fighting the symptoms with invasive targeted therapies. And most important – this approach does no harm to the patient!

The Sakharoff Protocol can be used both in parallel with the course of radiation as prescribed by your doctor – as well as a stand-alone therapy, if you might decide to opt-out of radiation. Both ways could work and have their own pros and cons.

BEAT GBM Intensive Bootcamp

BEAT GBM Intensive Bootcamp will provide you with the knowledge, the training routines and the 7-days a week support for an assisted lifestyle change and structured exercise needed to transform the brain environment to an environment uninhabitable for cancer cells. Read all about this Intensive Bootcamp here

References – Scientific Studies

DIPG Facts, Michael Mosier Foundation:
Integrated Molecular Meta-Analysis of 1,000 Pediatric High-Grade and Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma:
Ian F. Tannock, M.D., Ph.D., and John A. Hickman, D.Sc., Limits to Personalized Cancer Medicine:
Altered energy metabolism in cancer – A unique opportunity for therapeutic intervention:
Cancer as a metabolic disease: implications for novel therapeutics:
T.N. Seyfried, Cancer as a metabolic disease: on the origin, management, and prevention of cancer, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, A. Hoboken, NJ, 2012. ISBN: 978-0470584927, ISBN:
Metabolic alterations in cancer cells and therapeutic implications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4013402/
T. Ferriss, Tools of Titans, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2016. Interview with Dominic D’Agostino.
Z. Clemens, C. Toth, Treatment of high-grade brain tumor using the paleolithic ketogenic diet (pkd): three cases:
M.J. Bissell, H.G. Hall, G. Parry, Dynamic reciproity: How does the extracellular matrix direct gene expression?, J Theor Biol 99 (1982) 31–68:

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