July 2016 – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Archive Monthly Archives: July 2016

Intermittent Fasting

Today we talk about Intermittent Fasting and its benefits, as well as practical ways to implement it into our daily life. 1. GENERAL DISCOURSE – approx. 8 min.: 2. PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 12 min.: 3.

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Integrative week no.2 – Connecting Mental & Immunity

This integrative week no.2 is about connecting immunity with the mental side. We are integrating different aspects of Sakharoff Lifesaver protocol into 10 unique pairs. Today the pair no.2 – Immunity

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Stability, Centering and Balance

Today we are talking Stability, Centering and Balance. What is the difference? Aspects we are going to touch are: recovery/homeostasis, triggering vagus nerve and parasympathetic

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