In the Sakharoff Protocol One-Pointed Attention is a practical way to get “now” into our everyday lives. It is a way to put a damper on stress and get us to relax and enjoy life much more. One-Pointed
Continue readingDon’t forget about the heart? It happens often on forums on Facebook. When we talk physiology I used to hear people saying “Don’t forget about the heart”. I admit that I had a
Continue readingAmateur cycling athlete testimonial My name is Sean, I live in Devon in England, and I have been on Misha’s 50-week programme for sports performance for 4 months now. So, the programme is reasonably
Continue readingThe Global Consciousness is facing COLLAPSE? NO. I don’t think so. That’s what happens when the energy balance has been wrong for too long time. Years of living with sub-optimal status-quo
Continue readingYesss! Now blogging for Danish online tennis-magazine. Yes, for the LEADING.. one 😉 My topics at will be about physical and mental resilience for tennis players. Yes. I’m
Continue readingKi-Kaizen – supporting Self-healing through Breathing, Diet and Inner Focus “How did you manage to be in perfect health at your 114 year birthday? One of the oldest citizens in the world Lu
Continue readingOne of the most powerful means to help optimise breathing is to reduce breathing volume by means of relaxation of the diaphragm muscles in the belly region. It’s the whole essence of two of the
Continue readingInteresserer du dig for sex? … Ok det er måske lidt pænere at spørge om du interesserer du dig for energiarbejde? Måske vil du gerne forbedre balance mellem dit sensuelle og seksuelle jeg? Eller
Continue readingI’m often asked this 1000 dollar question. With a light touch of smile. What makes my training system so outstandingly different from the others? I feel that now its time to put it straight and simple.
Continue readingOK, det kan det kan godt være jeg måske ligner en idiot, men Elevation Training Mask giver fordele som at træne i bjergene, hvor luften er meget tyndere. Professionelle sportsfolk fra cyklister, langrendsløbere
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