procrastination – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " procrastination "

How to normalise stomach pH and HCL production by lifestyle change and exercise with NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach)

How to normalise stomach pH and HCL productionI believe we can slowly reverse METS (Metabolic syndrome) if we start using science together with common sense - through NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic

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Ki-Kaizen self-healing workshop in Israel, June 21-22nd 2015 – “One Point of Attention – One Point of Resilience”

Ki-Kaizen – supporting Self-healing through Breathing, Diet and Inner Focus “How did you manage to be in perfect health at your 114 year birthday? One of the oldest citizens in the world Lu

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Overspringshandlinger og ernæring – er der sammenhæng?

Overspringshandlinger er hårde at kurere. Men her er der et par uventede muligheder for at løse problemet som ødelægger din produktivitet! Interesseret? Se videoen – så ses vi måske til mit

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Ki-Kaizen – How to use a breathing muscle to beat procrastination

Do you allow procrastination to ruin your willpower and your decision process? I see the start picture every time I open my iPhone. It helps me to remember that I work with something I love, which I

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