foredrag – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " foredrag "

T-cells taking responsibility for killing cancer

Take responsibility in health and life

The Global Consciousness is facing COLLAPSE? NO. I don’t think so. That’s what happens when the energy balance has been wrong for too long time. Years of living with sub-optimal status-quo

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Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – The big question is WHY

Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – but WHY?

Just read an article this morning saying that the big part of the modern top athletes have asthma. Article quotes that more than 20 percent of the U.S. Olympic team competing in the 1996 Atlanta Summer

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Optimering af Åndedræt – for sport performance. Gratis foredrag med olympisk coach Dr. Artour Rakhimov

– Er du motionist og vil gerne slippe med at blive forpustet, opleve større overskud og nyde din sport endnu mere? – Er du elite sportsudøver og vil gerne have få endnu flere konkurrence

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Optimering af Åndedræt – imod sygdom. Gratis foredrag med en af verdens førende eksperter Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Har du astma, forhøjet blodtryk, kronisk træthed, søvnforstyrrelser, kronisk bronkitis, allergi, angstanfald, depression eller epilepsi og vil sige farvel til din sygdom? Er du motionist eller elite

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