The therapeutic regimen has to be drastic in order to eliminate the circumstances where the cancer can not be triggered again. The regimen has to be followed rigidly during the rest of your life. This
Continue readingThe Global Consciousness is facing COLLAPSE? NO. I don’t think so. That’s what happens when the energy balance has been wrong for too long time. Years of living with sub-optimal status-quo
Continue reading– Søndag d.15 Februar kl.13-16 – Kursus “ONE POINT OF ATTENTION – ONE POINT OF RESILIENCE” Ki-Kaizen & “Sakharoff resilience and health recovery protocol”
Continue readingHar du astma, forhøjet blodtryk, kronisk træthed, søvnforstyrrelser, kronisk bronkitis, allergi, angstanfald, depression eller epilepsi og vil sige farvel til din sygdom? Er du motionist eller elite
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