diaphragm – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " diaphragm "

Hyperventilation - Close your Mouth When Running or Training.

Close your Mouth When Running or Training

Hyperventilation is a morbid condition. Nevertheless, we hyperventilate daily. More than 80 percent of the population in the Western world suffers from chronic hyperventilation. The disorder is often

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Heart or hara?

Heart or Hara? What comes first for the Samurai – and for you?

Don’t forget about the heart? It happens often on forums on Facebook. When we talk physiology I used to hear people saying “Don’t forget about the heart”. I admit that I had a

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Testimonial - back to life after chemotherapy, radiation and surgery- Thrivepostcancer.com

How to come back to normal life after cancer

  Cancer survivor testimonial My name is Elizabeth Thrane-Carlsen and I live in Copenhagen. I have been on the course for 27 weeks, which means that I am a bit more than half-way.   I was diagnosed

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Riding 160 km on water only. Combining fitness and health for cycling athletes.

How to optimise breathing for cycling 160 km on water

Amateur cycling athlete testimonial My name is Sean, I live in Devon in England, and I have been on Misha’s 50-week programme for sports performance for 4 months now. So, the programme is reasonably

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diabetes testimonial type 1

How to control Type 1 Diabetes naturally with Buteyko and Keto

Type 2 Diabetes – takes only 3 months to reverse It takes approximately 3 months to stop the Type 2 Diabetes – and the dependence of insulin. Many health practitioners proved

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Buteyko breathing normalization with Ketogenic nutrition

How to cure Sleep Apnea naturally with Buteyko and Keto

  Testimonial – Buteyko breathing normalisation and Ketogenic nutrition for Sleep apnea, extreme tiredness, fatty liver grade 3, extracted gall bladder, high triglycerides, Nahum 52 yo. This

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Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – The big question is WHY

Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – but WHY?

Just read an article this morning saying that the big part of the modern top athletes have asthma. Article quotes that more than 20 percent of the U.S. Olympic team competing in the 1996 Atlanta Summer

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Ki-Kaizen self-healing workshop in Israel, June 21-22nd 2015 – “One Point of Attention – One Point of Resilience”

Ki-Kaizen – supporting Self-healing through Breathing, Diet and Inner Focus “How did you manage to be in perfect health at your 114 year birthday? One of the oldest citizens in the world Lu

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Want to promote alertness during meditation - and optimise your breathing?

How to use your wake up clock to optimise breathing?

One of the most powerful  means to help optimise breathing is to reduce breathing volume by means of relaxation of the diaphragm muscles in the belly region. It’s the whole essence of two of the

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Overspringshandlinger og ernæring – er der sammenhæng?

Overspringshandlinger er hårde at kurere. Men her er der et par uventede muligheder for at løse problemet som ødelægger din produktivitet! Interesseret? Se videoen – så ses vi måske til mit

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