It takes approximately 3 months to stop the Type 2 Diabetes – and the dependence of insulin. Many health practitioners proved it normalizing sugar and blood pH through nutrition and breathing. Is it different with Type 1 Diabetes? As we often hear, it is an incurable disease because the insulin generating cell are missing. Or is it?
What would happen if we could regenerate insulin producing Beta-cells of the pancreas? It could open fantastic possibilities for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. Scientific studies show that the destruction of the beta cells by autoimmunity is gradual. Studies suggests that many with Type 1 Diabetes still have some remaining beta-cell function. Despite many years of insulin supplementation – often since childhood.
But is it possible to ensure that the newborn beta cells are not killed by the autoimmunity? Or can we create the environment where this would be less likely to happen?
Studies show that it is possible to create the environment like that. We need low blood glucose, normal cell oxygenation and normal blood and tissue pH to do that. We can also reestablish insulin sensitivity and signalling pathways by reducing tissue hypoxia.
This way we could support the body’s ability to fight Type 1 Diabetes.
Again – I can not claim that it is possible for everybody. As it involves some life style change. But I think that it is possible to support the body’s ability to regenerate on the cellular level. Lots of evidence from Buteyko breathing retraining and Ketogenic diet supports my hope.
I know that we can normalise the Type 1 Diabetes by combination of diet, exercise and life change. He who laughs last, laughs best – let’s try the theory in practice!
This is a testimonial with one of my clients with Type 1 Diabetes that I worked with through Skype during the last 4 months. We got through the whole program to reach strong synergetic effect of multifunctional therapy. We used Buteyko breathing and Ketogenic nutrition for Type 1 Diabetes. We combined several therapies in one process of self-healing. Buteyko breathing, ketogenic nutrition, intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, physical exercise. Hara training (inner focus) that has a strong positive effect on physiological stress response.
Our agreement included one weekly Skype session at the fixed time slot to teaching and assignment of weekly tasks. We had daily personal contact during the week with support by telephone and via the personal secured intraNET. I followed, reviewed and commented the results of his daily training. My client had access to my teaching materials incl. video and PDF to ensure optimal support for his recovery process. This way we established a personal life style change process with strong continuity.
It is a pleasure to work with a medical doctor that have a deep understanding of physiology of life change and exercise. After the 4 months of work we are satisfied with the results. And my client keeps on training daily 🙂
When we are talking balanced Type 1 Diabetes, one of the major measurements is A1C. The A1C test is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood glucose, also called blood sugar, over the past 3 months. The A1C test is sometimes called the hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, or glycohemoglobin test. The A1C test is the primary test used for diabetes management and diabetes research.
Diabetes range – above 6.5 %. Pre-diabetes range – between 5.7-6.4 %. Normal range – below 5.7 %.
4 months ago my client’s A1C was 7.8 %
– DIABETES range
The last measurement of A1C showed 5.6 %
– NORMAL range !
“Greetings to you all, my name is Igal Balan. I’m a dentist MD, 53 years old. I suffer from the Type 1 Diabetes (juvenile Diabetes) from the age of 13. I inject insulin 4 times a day.
I met Misha Sakharoff around 4 months ago through a friend of mine, doctor Michael Gorbonos. We started working together and Misha presented for me his program for life style change. The program included breathing exercise inspired from Buteyko system, ketogenic diet and physical exercise. He also introduced me to intermittent fasting. We worked together for 4 months and the results were amazing. I lost weight, though not on purpose – 15 kilos. I’ve became totally balanced with my diabetes issue. Before I used to take medicine for blood pressure and now I stopped since my blood pressure is in order, even a bit low. My pulse dropped with 15 points. I feel lots of energy and I work 14 hours a day, I train 1,5 hour a day.
I feel great and I’m recommending Misha to everyone. I already recommended him to many of my friends. Some of them unfortunately are cancer patients that approached Misha. I believe that he is an amazing man and he follows the program very strictly. It takes time and effort but the results are definitely worth it. Thank you and I’m recommending Misha from all my heart!”
Watch this video and hear my client’s full personal story (in Hebrew):
Client story – How to transform chronic fatigue into stable energy with NPMA – Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach!
How to normalise stomach pH and HCL production by lifestyle change and exercise with NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach)
Healing GBM Brain Tumor And Leukaemia – GeneticVS. Metabolic Approach
Beating Aggressive Glioblastoma Brain Tumor With Sakharoff Protocol
How to stop metabolic and cognitive decline without medication – with small steps
Learning points from the remission of Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor
Testimonial – My Most Authentic Marathon!
Why do medical professionals promote chemotherapy?