I believe we can slowly reverse METS (Metabolic syndrome) if we start using science together with common sense - through NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach). Then I believe parietal cells (just like any other cells) can regenerate and slowly start generating HCL again.
People with GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Achlorhydria, gastritis etc have gastric HCL levels up to 7pH.... which means complete digestive upset leading to a host of lifestyle-related diseases, depending on your family's genetics.
It is caused by a dysfunctional gastro-esophageal sphincter which results in heartburn but also causes a gag reflex.. because people with acid reflux often experience a sour taste in their mouth which along with burping can cause nausea and vomiting.
Why is this happening?
If you have too little stomach acid (high pH), food will stay in your stomach longer than it should. Some of the carbohydrates you consume, especially grains as well as other starches, can start to ferment as they stay in the stomach for a long period of time and this creates gas. This gas can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a small bundle of muscle between the esophagus and stomach. This sphincter is supposed to remain closed, except when you swallow and food is pressed against it, causing it to open up and allow food to enter the stomach. In most cases, this is a unidirectional process - one-way: food and drinks pass from the esophagus to the stomach.
What causes too little HCL? Many factors - prescription antacids (yes, indeed, pills that should help you against acid reflux!!!), chronic stress, a vegetarian diet, obesity, smoking, as well as anatomical problems such as hiatal hernia ...
The HCL-producing parietal cells in the stomach are dependent on normal CO2 levels for the normal function of HCL production and release. When we hyperventilate, respiratory alkalosis occurs, which contributes to the depletion of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. This and CO2-losing cellular hypoxia are the perfect storm to promote cellular dysfunction potentially affecting all systems in the body - but also reduced production and release of HCL...because the body cannot supply enough chloride to produce enough stomach acid HCL ...
Another thing that severely damages HCL-producing parietal cells in the stomach is glyphosate (Round-Up residue) in cereals, nuts, grains, juices, lots of fruits and vegetables, but also milk and meat can have traces of glyphosate, though, according to some studies, it does not accumulate in the body of mammals.
And I forgot to say, medical professionals are often heard saying something about the stomach being too acidic. To say that it's a misunderstanding would be an understatement. It's a very grave fault that leads to malpractice.
Basically, stomach acid (HCL) can never get too acidic - the normal is around pH 1-1.5 - just like in dogs 🙂 Healthy dogs though not ones eating kibbles..
Normally, the body will keep the pH of the stomach acid around 0.8-1.5, as the digestive enzyme in the stomach, pepsin, works best at this pH. When pH increases to 3.5 while you are digesting, a big problem arises : pepsin is completely denatured. Numerous other problems also appear. A stomach acid pH as high as 3.5 or above is clinically considered problematic. As I mentioned before, people with GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) have stomach acid (gastric HCL levels) up to pH 7....
So, actually it's always another way around - your LOW stomach-pH is NEVER the problem. Stomach pH CAN NOT BE TOO ACIDIC - only too alkaline...
What works for sure - What to do
1. Understand that normalizing stomach pH is a slow process - just as normalizing sub-optimal health generally is
2 Make it easier for your stomach - by the paradigm shift - learning and implementing The New Rules of Eating
3. You need to understand why the condition is initiated - autoimmunity, long term vegetarianism, chronic iron deficiency, chronic stress etc - or all of them combined. For example for long term vegetarianism would induce the following chronic stress to the body:
- If we do not digest animal fats and proteins well, this is most likely due to the lack of nutrients that we acquired (slowly accumulated) when we did not eat animal products. For example, in order to fully produce hydrochloric acid, the body needs zinc. Bioavailable Zinc is not found in plant products, it is concentrated only in products of animal origin. Therefore, if we are on a plant-based diet for a long time, the acidity of gastric juice automatically drops (the pH raises). Thus, the very use of animal products will already contribute to the restoration of acidity - also because we will compensate for the deficiency of zinc.
- By the way, phytic acid and oxalates (found in plant foods) block the absorption of zinc by the body. Thus, a vegetarian diet alone reduces acidity by reducing zinc levels alone.
Thus, eating animal foods at the same time as sharply limiting plant foods in the diet will reinforce each other and give a synergistic effect in restoring healthy digestion.
4. You slowly introduce action to reverse the initial drivers of disease through the following aspects:
There are many factors that influence normalisation of HCL production, restoration of acid-base balance, normalising stomach acid pH and bile function.
Breathing is one of the most important... You say WTF? Exactly. I agree..
Sympathetic prevalence resulting in chronic hyperventilation patterns that have changed the normal pathways of enzyme production. If we diminishing lung minute ventilation, it will with time reestablish a normal sympathetic/parasympathetic balance —> rise CO2 tolerance —> optimise cellular oxygenation —-> mitochondrial respiration —-> normalise enzyme production —-> optimise/normalise formation of free radicals ROS, RNS —> diminish inflammation in gut lining —-> etc
Most importantly - through breathing optimization retraining - high CO2 pushes into:
- HCL production - more blood to parietal cells
- stopping inhibition of mucus production - including in the stomach
Breathing - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels and normal pH regulation
Normalising blood pCO2 by Buteyko method, diminished breathing maintains a stable internal pH environment within its narrow physiological range and triggers HCl production by the gastric parietal cells:
- ↑pCO2 —> normalising general cellular environment functions, including the parietal cells in the stomach.
- ↑pCO2 —> stimulate pumping H+ ions into the stomach lumen —> optimal functioning of parietal cells having an extensive energy requirement
- ↑pCO2 —> supporting aerobic metabolism to generate the ATP required for H+ ion pumps —> supporting the energy-intensive process of HCl production
- ↑pCO2 —> well-compensated respiratory system with optimal cellular function, including HCl secretion. Supporting respiratory compensation is how the system responds to changes in blood pH by adjusting the rate and depth of breathing, oftest by diminishing ventilation CO2 to normalise pH
- ↑pCO2 —> stimulate the body's neuroendocrine response to release of hormones and neurotransmitters that influence gastric acid secretion, such as gastrin, histamine, and acetylcholine.
Breathing - Nitric Oxide (NO) levels
Stimulating nasal NO production by Buteyko method, diminished breathing, humming etc
- Nitric Oxide stimulates the gastric mucosa and its enzyme production, it also regulates bile production, its transportation and general motor function of the entire intestine
- Leptin receptors are over-expressed in high‐fat diet —> diminish requirements for HCL production -->
- Raw carnivore stops heat-promoted denaturation of enzymatic protein compounds in meat —> diminish requirements for HCL production
Very important to understand the role of the sensitivity to leptin --> and insulin and the feed intake-regulating peptides in the regulation of gastric digestion process. Animal fat is the best compound to restore this sensitivity.
Nutrition - ketogenic adaptation stages
- Leptin sensitivity becomes better --> diminishes the digestive load by higher and more stable satiety throughout the day
Nutrition - rules of eating
- Excluding ALL plant matter and all fiber
- Add fat if not 1.5-2 /1 - Dry weight ratio of fat to protein 2:1
- Eat from the fattest parts first. Never leave fat on a plate - only the leanest meat remains.
- Eat very slowly - allow for leptin - satiety to work, it has a 10 min signalling lag, increased insulin as well as leptin and ghrelin sensitivity initiates secretion of ALL the digestive enzymes and juices
- Stop eating at THE VERY first satiety signal, not the second, not the third.
- Eat salt - always add pure mountain salt
- Never drink when eating - 30 min before, 1.5 hr later
- Eat small portions, especially Achlorhydric gastritis - it requires introduction of a special refeeding regime
- Stopping pills, especially proton pump inhibitors that disrupt the normal metabolism regulation
... and much more - that's what we work with on my SHIP program (Sakharoff Health Integrative protocol) including learning and implementing The New Rules of Eating
Mental training
If you were subject to chronic stress for longer periods of time, then the following occurred.
- Sympathetic dominance led to stomach acid production always drops (stops) with chronic stress, In fact, the secretion of ALL the digestive enzymes and juices decreases with stress.
- you need to slowly reverse and push into Parasympathetic prevalence. On my program we do it through continuous Hara training - every single day.
What might work
Only in certain situations I might support digestion:
- with certain mucilaginous herbs such as slippery elm, Altea officinalis (Marsh mallow plant) and deglycerized licorice to soothe and protect the mucus membranes in the stomach.
- Also possibly bitter herbs to help the body produce its own digestive juices – including stomach acid – to support proper food digestion.
What doesn't work
- unrestricted and "unreasonable drinking” of soda and antacids will easily increase the pH of the stomach towards an alkalic (basic) state. This means that the stomach will not be able to digest anything but pureed porridge on the water... which has nothing to do with health
- many different aspects are promoted by the standards of medical care, with doctors prescribing acid blockers to relieve heartburn, pills such as proton pump inhibitors that specifically inhibit stomach acid production, etc. that just remove the symptoms without addressing the causes - which in addition, in the long run, further exacerbate the body's metabolic dysfunction
- more drugs is not the answer. Doubling the dose will not lead to healing, but further problems.
- lemon juice, cider vinegar etc.
Those were some thoughts about stomach health.
What to do?
1. Join my Masterclasses to learn more about the Sakharoff Protocol
Watch the replays of my Three Masterclasses!
Masterclass № 1
Masterclass №2
Masterclass №3
Quantum Leap. How?
What to do?
2. Read about my health programs and join our community! All the programs start on Sunday: https://sakharoff.com/
Misha Sakharoff