personlig udvikling – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " personlig udvikling "

Riding 160 km on water only. Combining fitness and health for cycling athletes.

How to optimise breathing for cycling 160 km on water

Amateur cycling athlete testimonial My name is Sean, I live in Devon in England, and I have been on Misha’s 50-week programme for sports performance for 4 months now. So, the programme is reasonably

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Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – The big question is WHY

Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – but WHY?

Just read an article this morning saying that the big part of the modern top athletes have asthma. Article quotes that more than 20 percent of the U.S. Olympic team competing in the 1996 Atlanta Summer

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I work with mental and psychological aspects of the game inspired by martial arts like aikido and kendo / samurai. Inspiration to amateurs and tennis elite.

Now blogging for a leading online tennis-magazine – on physical and mental resilience for tennis

Yesss! Now blogging for Danish online tennis-magazine. Yes, for the LEADING.. one 😉 My topics at will be about physical and mental resilience for tennis players. Yes. I’m

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Overspringshandlinger og ernæring – er der sammenhæng?

Overspringshandlinger er hårde at kurere. Men her er der et par uventede muligheder for at løse problemet som ødelægger din produktivitet! Interesseret? Se videoen – så ses vi måske til mit

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Se mit interview til serien om danske iværksættere

Jeg har lige givet et interview hvor jeg fortæller om mit ‪#‎iværksætter‬ eventyr i de sidste 5 år. Så nu ved du lidt om hvem jeg er 😉 Interviewet af Carsten Legaard/

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