May 2017 – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Archive Monthly Archives: May 2017

Why do the medical oncological professionals continue to promote and protect the practice of chemotherapy?

Why do medical professionals promote chemotherapy?

INVASIVE vs. NON-INVASIVE Because that’s the best, they actually can offer. The medical oncological professionals are not taught any other ways to treat cancer that the invasive therapies – chemotherapy,

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New opportunities for Treatment of Alzheimer's - if you are newly diagnosed

New treatment opportunities for newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is feared. With good reason. For the affected, the disease is debilitating and unfortunately without the prospect of healing. For the relative, it’s almost worse because

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control lifestyle diseases

Learn how to control lifestyle diseases

“When do I draw the short straw in the lifestyle diseases lottery?” This question is put wrong. The right question should be, “What can I do to keep myself healthy?” We cannot

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khash - armenian ketogenic bone broth

Khash – ketogenic bone broth from Armenia that stops joint inflammation

Growing up in Moscow I learned that all the good stuff is in the bones. My father and I used to make funny symphonic sounds sucking the bones in Khash, the most delightful Armenian bone broth, making

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