New treatment opportunities for newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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New treatment opportunities for newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is feared. With good reason. For the affected, the disease is debilitating and unfortunately without the prospect of healing. For the relative, it’s almost worse because you slowly lose a close and loved person.


What does conventional medicine and public health offer us?

Relief and support, but no cure.
You can get help and support for the care of the sick at home. When the disease is advanced enough, the sick person can get a place in a nursing home. As relatives you can connect with other family members, where you can share experiences and support each other.

As relatives, you are very grateful for all the support, help and information you can get.
But in spite of everything there is still a big unanswered question: Can we really not stand up against this disease? That question is not just a hopeless dream or unrealistic expectation. Recent research suggests that one can do something in the early stages of the disease and that the disease can be more than relieved – it can be reversed.


Is Alzheimer’s Really Irreversible?

Have you read in the press that Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible? Did you get a message that it is based on genetics – and if you have the “wrong” genes in your family then you are likely to get the disease sooner or later in your life?

Modern research tells something completely different. Results of recent studies connect Alzheimer’s with dysfunction of metabolism, which is conditioned by lifestyle. The consequence of this connection is the latest trend in treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is now considered to be Diabetes 3 because the disease’s development involves a mechanism for dysfunctional metabolism similar to Diabetes 2.


Background and research – treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

The good news is that we can now talk about an integrative method for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease – which should be especially effective for those who are newly diagnosed.

In 2016, an American university researcher Dale Bredesen succeeded for the first time to stop and reverse relatively newly-diagnosed Alzheimer patients with very high success rates. In fact, about 9 in 10 patients. And it is based on so-called integrative metabolic therapy. It is a form of therapy form that provides a strong healing synergy effect through the integration of several approaches to lifestyle and training. The researcher has achieved his unusual, not to say exceptional results, by combining efforts in the fields of nutrition, respiration, physical exercise, immunology, energy conversion and stress management.


New study in Denmark in 2017

Medio August 2017 I’m starting a 50-week study in Denmark where I will help a little group of newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients to reverse the disease. My vision is to replicate Dale Bredesen’s results from his 2016 study where he has managed for the first time to stop and reverse the relatively newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients with very high success rate og 9 out of 10. I would like to do it with my own protocol that does not involve use of medicine or expensive treatments involving medical equipment – but based only on lifestyle change and moderate exercise.

All the people in this little group of newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients have been through my free 5-week course and learned the scientific background of the metabolic medicine-free protocol – and are ready for the 50 weeks of practical training.


Do you know a person with Alzheimer’s?

We are running the free 5-week course in English where you will be updated with knowledge about the latest scientific research in the field of Alzheimers together with practical approaches. All I can promise you will be surprised – pleasantly surprised.

Do you have a family member, relative or friends and acquaintances who have recently received Alzheimer’s diagnosis and who are ready to fight? Please Spread The Word with one of the blue social media buttons above – which will send a link to this article to those who need it.

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