Systemic inflammation – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Systemic inflammation

This week’s teaching is all about systemic inflammation.

What does it mean and how can we use the knowledge about it to connect with both physical, mental and immune resilience? How is the systemic inflammation connected with different kinds of stress?
How does it trigger lifestyle disease?

It is important that you follow the correct order – there is an important detail that cannot be skipped!

1. Start by watching the GENERAL DISCOURSE to get an insight into this week’s subject – approx. 18 min.:

2. When you have completed this, you can proceed to PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 22 min.:

3. And so on to TRAINING – approx. 9 min.:

NB! It is important to view the videos in the correct order – there are details that must not be overlooked!

Good training!
Misha Sakharoff

Remember to be inquisitive and ask questions! Ask directly at the bottom of the page under Leave a Comment.
I will answer as soon as possible, often the same day.

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