Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Healing stories – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Chronic fatigue syndrome - Healing story

Chronic fatigue syndrome - Healing story

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - A Story Of Healing

It's a story of healing of ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) with NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach).


My client 25 y.o, resident of Denmark,  started in a state of chronic pain, insomnia and fatigue, panic attacks, anxiety, emotional turbulence, morning hyperventilation and low energy.

1. Skeletal symptoms of Marfan syndrome and pain accordingly;
2. Anorexia nervosa atypica - while several doctors disagree;
3. ME / CFS

Strong genetic predisposition to slender body type with 10 persons in the near family same - though without the same ME symptoms. 

Clinic for eating disorders suggested that the client should eat "...more white bread and sugar for more energy". The clinic's dietitian recommends eating fat and sugar, white bread, polished rice, white pasta and increase dietary fiber.

Our Non-Invasive Healing Strategy

Targeting single genes will always remain the strategy of targeting single symptoms. Targeting single genes will never be able to address the real causes of a complex disease. This strategy has been shown to be a complete fallacy. 

Many recent scientific studies show that metabolic approaches can stop and reverse symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) - as ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia, CHVS, GERD, SIBO, IBS, ICV, IAS and other, that are incurable by conventional medicine.

We worked together for 16 months. Our strategy was using a Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach (NPMA) to address the causes of Metabolic Syndrome. We used Sakharoff Protocol to change the body' cell environment and stop metabolic dysfunction.

I used Sakharoff Protocol as NPMA for reversing adrenal fatigue and Metabolic Syndrome. The major part of this work is to address pregnenolone steal as a result of combination of chronic stress and chronic malnourishment.

We trained Buteyko method right from the start, first with small steps then with higher and higher intensity, slowly overcoming plateaus and moving further and further in the healing process.

We changed daily nutrition to make a slow transition to nutritional ketosis.

We made dietary changes to improve nutrient absorption rate and improve mitochondrial function. Exercises against hyperventilation with Buteyko Method helped to increase cellular oxygenation decrease muscle aches and fatigue. Very low intensity structured movement helped to inducing hormetic dose response to initiate mitochondria.

Daily exercises against hyperventilation have optimised sleep and reduced morning hyperventilation (dawn effect and Somogyi effect).

All of this resulted in a slow recovery. 

Results of NPMA regimen

  • Average resting heart rate declined slowly in 1 year from about 100 to about 60 bpm
  • Heart problems / chest pressure appear far less often than before the NPMA start
  • Morning muscle pain has slowly subsided during training
  • Muscle seizures stopped for the most part - yet still overloaded muscular groups
  • Headache is gone after dietary change and exclusion of sugar - it was a huge problem before
  • Acne, skin inflammation has improved drastically after cost changes
  • Digestive function improved after transition to ketogenic regimen, stomach ache very rare after the several stages of keto-adaptation.
  • The weekend's activities no longer lead to a 3-day bedtime stay as before, but still some fatigue at the start of the week.
  • Diurnal/circadian rhythms are close to normalization, not shifted towards higher nightly activity anymore

What Is Yet To Improve?

  • Temperature regulation is still unchanged - hot body but freezing fingers and toes. It required next step in form of Essential Ketogenic regimen, that the client was not ready to implement.
  • Full normalisation of thyroid function would require several extra steps as:
  • Full compliance with 'essential nutrients only' regimen.
  • Full compliance with elimination regimen of all possible dietary nutrient triggers of chronic inflammation.
  • Stable breathing optimisation regimen to achieve stable CP (Control Pause, Buteyko Method) over 60 sec for optimal mitochondrial respiratory function.

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