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Misha Sakharoff
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How to Heal Cancer Naturally with Sleep Hacking

It may be hard to believe, but look at the anonymised screenshot I took yesterday of one of my clients’ daily log. Glioblastoma The picture above shows 20 weeks of work with Glioblastoma Multiforme

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Beat Cancer with Misha Sakharoff

I can help you beat cancer and return to normal life

If you want to beat cancer If you have cancer and you are looking for alternative cancer cure that actually works and not necessarily involves chemotherapy and radiation, then this information can be

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Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – The big question is WHY

Asthma is common among Olympic athletes! – but WHY?

Just read an article this morning saying that the big part of the modern top athletes have asthma. Article quotes that more than 20 percent of the U.S. Olympic team competing in the 1996 Atlanta Summer

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I work with mental and psychological aspects of the game inspired by martial arts like aikido and kendo / samurai. Inspiration to amateurs and tennis elite.

Now blogging for a leading online tennis-magazine – on physical and mental resilience for tennis

Yesss! Now blogging for Danish online tennis-magazine. Yes, for the LEADING.. one 😉 My topics at will be about physical and mental resilience for tennis players. Yes. I’m

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Ki-Kaizen self-healing workshop in Israel, June 21-22nd 2015 – “One Point of Attention – One Point of Resilience”

Ki-Kaizen – supporting Self-healing through Breathing, Diet and Inner Focus “How did you manage to be in perfect health at your 114 year birthday? One of the oldest citizens in the world Lu

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Want to promote alertness during meditation - and optimise your breathing?

How to use your wake up clock to optimise breathing?

One of the most powerful  means to help optimise breathing is to reduce breathing volume by means of relaxation of the diaphragm muscles in the belly region. It’s the whole essence of two of the

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Glioblastoma Multiforme IV. Tumor is gone - the only thing left is scar tissue. Ki-Kaizen, hardcore Buteyko with Keto IF/CR, Hara training with for lymph drain

The Taste of Victory – Beating Cancer Natural Way!

“I don’t really understand how to explain this with my knowledge of physiology”, said one of the most experienced neurosurgeons in Denmark today looking at the latest brain scan of my

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Ki-Kaizen – How to use a breathing muscle to beat procrastination

Do you allow procrastination to ruin your willpower and your decision process? I see the start picture every time I open my iPhone. It helps me to remember that I work with something I love, which I

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