In this video I’m talking about my own experience with extended water fasts. It’s 25 min video, so I’m talking about many different aspects of fasting. The aspects below are not an ‘executive summary’ but rather complementing the aspects I’m talking about in the video. So, please read the short text below – and then watch the video.
I get lot of questions when I mention that fasting is a part of my everyday life. I used to get following questions:
Yes definitely. Because I feel alive when I get up in the morning. I want fasting to be a part of my life every single week. You will be surprised first time you will get this feeling, I’m sure about that. I feel the toxins coming out of my body.
My breathing is much better. My control pause is always enhanced during extended fasts, both 2, 3 and 5 days.
I’m waking up at 4:30 without problems.Experience mental clarity. I’m always fresh and ready to go!
Extended water fasts enhance the quality of my daily intermittent fasting. It’s much easier to endure short nutritional window.
We are not too used to moderation in our society. I’m talking any kind of moderation. We are used to think that more is better. But actually – less is best!
When you restrict your eating (nutritional) window you enable autophagy – cellular cleansing.
Longevity is direct consequence of this, according to many studies.
Fasting will make you think twice what you really want to replenish your body with after two days of fasting. You get more awareness about the quality of the foods you ingesting.
You will be confronted with food related procrastinations. I remember that I understood it once I came back home after walking the dog in the forest. When I entered my house the first thought was – Nice, now I get a piece of cheese! And then… No, I’m fasting!
Coffee dependence? I always recommend not to drink coffee during the fast. Only water and herb tea. It’s good to experience how the cravings slowly disappear. And then, when you break the fast, you will enjoy your coffee experience even more!
If you have, let it fast together with you and maybe it will be a super-centenarian – just like you? My dog teddy is always fasting together with me – both daily intermittent fast and extended 2, 3 or 5 days. He is very athletic, never have any joint inflammation or other diseases, and I want it to live to 25.
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