Introduction to the Sakharoff Protocol – Respiration, Introduction, Physiology
I have structured our program so that you accumulate practical knowledge about your health in the simplest way. And the most important information always comes first! Therefore let’s look at the connection between movement and breathing. By movement, I mean all forms of daily physical activities from a walk in the forest to runs, physical exercise, sport, etc.
It is not inconsequential how we achieve movement and physical training in our daily lives. Especially if breathing is to be optimised in the long-term. The three following videos will guide you and give you a better structure in one of the most important areas regarding your health – optimisation of breathing.
It is important that you follow the correct order – there is an important detail that cannot be skipped!
Today we will talk about training and the most important aspects of training. When we train, for example, walking or running, what is normally most important for us? Very often we push ourselves for longer distance in running, the number of minutes / seconds, and we always try to increase the distance, we reduce the number of minutes for which we run this distance …
That is, we always try to push ourselves out of this comfortable zone. Whenever we cross this boundary of the comfort zone, something very, very important happens, and we’ll talk about this today. This is hyperventilation.
Hyperventilation is when we begin to breathe more than the physiological norm. A physiological norm exists. It is for the usual calm state of “doing nothing”, and for playing sports. But when we get used to hyperventilating (for example, to open our mouths when we exercise), we slowly develop what is called “chronic hyperventilation syndrome.” And approximately 85-90 percent of people in the western hemisphere have symptoms of chronic hyperventilation syndrome.
Why? Many scientists are inclined to believe that hyperventilation occurs as a result of chronic stress. We know that chronic stress makes us sick. The stress from work, from the family, from the economic situation, etc. can be accumulated… And the first thing that changes under the influence of accumulated or chronic stress is how we breathe.
So, when you run and feel that now you want to open your mouth – please slow down your running. It is much more important that you get the greatest positive effect from your running, from your training. And this is not about the distance that you run – but HOW you run it. That is very important to understand.
When you start breathing with your mouth closed, your balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen in your lungs starts to normalize. That is, oxygen delivery to the cell begins to be optimized.
This is called the Verigo-Bohr effect. Bohr was a Danish scientist who discovered and described this effect n 1904. Christian Bohr was also father of Niels Bohr, Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, whom we all know very well).
Christian Bohr was a great physiologist, who discovered the law of the relationship of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and blood. In Russia this effect was described almost simultaneously by Nikolai Verigo, hence the name Verigo-Bohr effect.
It turns out that carbon dioxide is not something that we just need to simply dispose of. This is a product from the combustion of oxygen – but not only. Carbon dioxide is actually a regulator of oxygen delivery to the cell – among other important functions.
The Verigo-Bohr effect says that the more liters of air you breathe per minute, the less carbon dioxide there will be in the blood – and the less oxygen there will be delivered to the cell! Sounds like a paradox?
Well, carbon dioxide regulates the attraction between the hemoglobin molecule, which carries oxygen in the blood, and the oxygen itself. The less carbon dioxide there is, the greater the attraction between the two molecules will be and the less oxygen will be able to reach the cell, and the less energy can be produced by the mitochondria inside of the cell.
When you close your mouth, the amount of carbon dioxide is normalised, and hemoglobin will again be able to release oxygen to the cell. This is very, very important to understand.
And when we speak, we should always breathe in and out through the nose. We speak, and then … we take a breath through the nose – and continue to speak. This is the most important thing I want to tell you about in this lecture. Pay attention to how you breathe. Then we will begin to combine this with relaxation of the muscles of the diaphragm, relaxation of the abdomen.
That is, there are a lot of aspects. And so I will continue to talk about these aspects of breathing more in depth and with more and more details, allowing to to both understand and better implement the learnings into your daily life.
If you want to really understand the physiology of how our body functions, the physiology of breathing and the other thirteen systems, how they are related to each other, then you need to pay attention to our weekly lectures on this program. What’s important here, I’ll repeat: carbon dioxide is not only a product that needs to be taken to the trash, to be disposed of.
Carbon dioxide is very important for the proper delivery of oxygen to the cell. This is the Verigo-Bohr effect, that was formulated more than a hundred years ago. The second thing: when you run, or when you do any physical exercise, pay attention to how you breathe.
If you feel that you need to open your mouth to breathe, then you are crossing your comfort zone, your aerobic zone. And at that moment all the positive aspects from your physical exercise are nullified as soon as you open your mouth.
There is such a phenomenon called hormesis or hormetic effect. This is the effect that you get from your training, an effect of exposing your cells to certain dose of light stress – we call it dose-response. And if you do all the training with your mouth closed, you will get a greater hermetic effect, a greater hormesis to heal your body by helping your cells to recover and rebuild themselves.
Hormesis refers to the stimulating effect on the body of small doses of stressors that are not strong enough to cause harm. Wrap-up – When you speak, breathe with your nose. The nose is for breathing, the mouth is for eating, for talking and… for kisses. In an extreme case, if your nose is acutely blocked, you can use your mouth for breathing, but then I will talk about exercises that will open your nose in the situations like this.
2. PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 15 min.:
When we talk about physical exercise, about movement, it is very important to understand that there is an extremely important aspect of movement. It how you breath during the movement. If we deal with it, then our physical condition will benefit greatly. We will achieve better results, and our endurance will be better, and so on.
When we talk about breathing, it is very important to understand that the composition of the air the atmosphere around us – and the composition of the air that is in our lungs – are completely different. Let’s talk about it in detail.
And in this course we work with the system of normalization of respiration formulated by Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, a Russian doctor, doctor of medical sciences. We will now go through the Buteyko table of health to understand how the process of restoring normal systemic health works.
At a CO2 level of 3.5%, you cannot engage in any physical activity whatsoever! – we already know the norm of CO2 – 6.5%.
When we hyperventilate (we breathe too deeply), we get used to it, then the heart muscle cells can be devoid of oxygen to the extent that heart failure can occur.
It’s called “sudden athlete death” syndrome or SAD, when people fall and their heart simply stops beating. It can happen at a football match, on a treadmill … anywhere. And according to the media, this kind of deaths happen quite often in sports.
During my son’s professional career in soccer it happened two times to his club comrades. It was very SAD… The reason is that the oxygen delivery by hemoglobin to the cell is fatally disrupted. The attraction between the hemoglobin molecule and the oxygen molecule determines the optimal supply of oxygen to the cell. The lower the attraction, the better the oxygen supply. The higher the level of carbon dioxide, the less attraction. It is very important to understand that all this can be measured.
The measurement is called Control Pause (CP). It is measured in seconds. A control pause of 60 seconds corresponds to the norm. Well, 100 years ago, it corresponded to the norm. Many of Dr.Buteyko’s modern followers say 40 seconds is enough.
But I always work with my clients with the norm of 60 seconds – and higher. As K.P. Buteiko said, at a rate of 60 seconds, cancer cannot actively develop. Cancer develops only because most of us are at a CP level less than indicated for normal health – the most of us are at the level of the disease. This is the case for not only cancer, but also diabetes, and all modern diseases of civilization.
More then two hundred most common diseases are diseases of civilization. How is the CP measured? You sit for two minutes in a relaxed state, relaxing and watching your breath. And after one of the relaxed exhalations, you look at your watch – and stop breathing. After some time, you will feel the first desire to inhale. You immediately click the stop button. This will be the number of seconds that will determine your CP – and your state of health here and now.
Achieving super-health is possible through daily work for longer period of time. Do not be alarmed if you have a result of 15-20 seconds. This, unfortunately, is very common nowadays. But perhaps you have some symptoms that you want to stop and reverse.
If you work, then slowly your results will rise. Some of my own clients have a CP result of 70-80 seconds. The maximum CP level of my students is 120 seconds. We will return to this table many times. How can this knowledge be applied in our practice today? Easily. Remember: when you exercise, always close your mouth. No compromises here!
If you feel that you are not able to cope with the raising air hunger and want to open your mouth, then please slow down your running, your pace, relax more and stay on this level of exertion – without opening your mouth. The second possibility for practical implementation: when you start talking, you talk until the end of exhalation, then close your mouth – inhale through your nose and continue to speak.
Thus, you can change your entire daily life – at home, at work – regardless of what you do and where you are. Please start to apply the knowledge that you heard today – right now! And I will help you with advice, answering questions.
Let’s get working!
3. TRAINING – approx. 2 min.:
This video is about optimizing the aspects of breathing for those people who are engaged in physical work, training, exercise (walking, running, etc.).
It is very important to run with your mouth closed and breathe only with your nose. This is especially important when the weather is cold – as, for example, in this video – minus five degrees centigrade.
It is very important to breathe through the nose when doing any kind of physical movement or exertion. This activates the supply of oxygen molecules directly to every cell in our body – muscle cells, brain cells, etc. If you run for a while, if you run for a certain distance, try to change your focus.
Try to not focus on the result – but on improving your health. What does this mean in practice? If you feel that you are crossing the comfort zone again and want to open your mouth, REDUCE the pulse RATE and the PACE of your running. Thus, you improve your health and your stamina. This is very important to understand – and to implement.
It is also important not to look down when you are running or walking, but to look straight ahead, somewhere about five degrees above the horizon. What does it give? In this way you relax your shoulders, your head is in a physiologically correct position on your shoulders.
At the same time, you feel that your intestines – your internal organs located inside the abdomen – are shaking, as the muscles around the abdomen relax and breathing rate goes down. Optimization of breathing occurs especially in the lower lobes of the lungs, through optimisation of gas exchange in the alveoli.
As soon as you begin to look down, your belly automatically tightens, and breathing works only to the upper part of the lungs – not filling the lower lung lobes with air. Thus, connecting the lower parts of the lungs to breathing and making breathing slower as en effect of relaxation is part of optimizing the respiratory process.
Also, when walking, it is very important to relax your shoulders, have a direct posture, not look down – extremely important aspects of breathing optimization.
This video is very practical for understanding of optimization of breath for any person, from runners and professional athletes to improving the breathing and health of ordinary people, just like you and me.
NB! It is important to view the videos in the correct order – there are details that must not be overlooked!
Good learning!
Misha Sakharoff
The rhythm of breathing and the exhalation length just before the pause should be exactly the same, or as close as possible to the rhythm and the exhalation length after the pause. It has to be ensured through relaxation. No need to wait until all the air comes out of the lungs.
There is at least three options of taking a breath-hold – or a pause.
1. Stopwatch must be stopped at the very first desire to breathe. This measurement is called the control pause number one – It is the main one, that is necessary to measure the level of health precisely.
2. Control pause number two is when you have a desire to swallow or a first movement of a diaphragm muscle – I usually use it for an approximate measurement, when the client does not understand and does not feel the first desire to breathe. Unfortunately, this is quite common when people don’t sense the signals from their body – and their belly. Unfortunately, life teaches them this, sometimes in a quite harsh way…
3. The third option is called the maximum pause. It, in addition to being a measurement, it’s also a training routine. It’s good to get used to doing it several times a day. Although there are several gradations, one of which is called: a) Extended, the other b) Maximum, and the third c) Absolute Maximum – which is performed when moving and simultaneously clenching your fists.
I will repeat all these details many many times, so please do not be afraid to ask questions <3
Remember that you need to keep on asking questions to succeed in your personal process of health restoration. Please write them to our closed Facebook group and I will collect them and answer them every week at our question and answer sessions.
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