1-pointed attention – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Tag Archives for " 1-pointed attention "

Testimonial - My Most Authentic Marathon! Nana Sefeld Dalby, MSc in Food Innovation and Health

Testimonial – My Most Authentic Marathon!

I am 35 years old, have asthma and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Besides, I love running and have run 5 marathons so far. I learned the breathing techniques that Misha is teaching, eight years ago,

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Training One-Pointed Attention with Sakharoff Protocol

Training One-Pointed Attention with Sakharoff Protocol

In the Sakharoff Protocol One-Pointed Attention is a practical way to get “now” into our everyday lives. It is a way to put a damper on stress and get us to relax and enjoy life much more. One-Pointed

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