Course Practical – Misha Sakharoff

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Do I have to consult my doctor before I do the course?

If you have a medical condition, we advise that you clear it with your doctor. You will learn about human physiology, but we are not offering medical advise in this course – purely lifestyle change ...

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Are there any hidden extra cost?

We do use some training equipment like balance board or fitness ball. But you don’t need to join a fitness club or pay for extra classes as a part of this course.

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Do I have to take supplements?

This course is designed with absolutely no dependence on any form of dietary supplementation. We do recommend organic food to optimise uptake of natural micronutrients contained in food.

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Are spiritual practices involved?

No angels. Pure physiology and process.

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Is pain and hardship involved in this course?

No. Our process of life change is very easy going and does not involve any strenuous exercise or starvation diet.

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Can I chat with someone before I subscribe to the online course?

Yes, we have an Live Online Chat facility, where you can get answer to questions that are not in this FAQ.

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When will I start seeing results?

It depends on your starting point. But if you are willing to put in the effort, you will start experiencing changes within the first few weeks.

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Do I have to follow everything in the course?

Yes this course has been carefully designed. So each component contributes to the whole.

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This sounds too difficult for me. I don’t think I can do it…

We have structured the course so you feel encouraged 3 times a week. It creates a nudging effect that can help you to stay and actually make the slow change.

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Will this affect my family and work relationships?

No. Because of slow learning it will not create friction with your environment. At work you will find more energy.

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