Monthly payment for Self-healing Support by Misha Sakharoff – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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Monthly payment for Self-healing Support by Misha Sakharoff

ENGLISH: Ongoing agreement concerning support for self-healing includes one weekly session at the fixed time slot in Hillerød or on Skype and daily personal follow-up/ support by telephone and via the secured intraNET. Through your personal intraNET site we work everyday. I will follow, review and comment the results of your daily training every day. You will get the daily tasks and all the support that is needed. You also get access to all my teaching materials incl. video and PDF to ensure optimal support for your recovery process. The amount is transferred monthly in advance to 1st. of the month as long as you need my personalized support. Payment by bank transfer (Denmark) or credit card.

DANISH: Løbende aftale vedr. støtte til selvhelbredelse inkluderer 1 ugentlig session på et fast aftalt tidspunkt i Hillerød eller på Skype – samt daglig personlig opfølgning og support telefonisk og via vores lukkede intraNET site. På din personlige intraNET side arbejder vi dagligt. Jeg gennemser, kommenterer og dine træningsresultater dagligt. Du får daglige opgaver og support. Du får desuden adgang til alt mit undervisningsmateriale inkl. video og PDF for at sikre optimal støtte til din helbredelsesproces. Beløb overføres hver måned til d.1. i måneden forud – så længe du har behov for min personlige support. Betaling sker via overførsel eller kreditkort.

Monthly fee: 6000 DKK (800 EUR)

Den Danske Bank: 3543-10831466 – or/ eller:

[stripe name=”” description=”Monthly fee” amount=”600000″ image_url=””]

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