WELD week no.2 – Heart Disease – Misha Sakharoff
Misha Sakharoff
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WELD week no.2 – Heart Disease

This week is our second WELD week – Week of Education on Lifestyle Disease. I’m excited to present for you a lot of very interesting and I also hope – highly inspiring – information about causes, triggers and interdependencies of different cardiovascular diseases. This week is a true lifesaver week – look forward!

The exercise video today promotes a combination of hypoxia (O2↓) and hypercapnia (CO2↑) in the lungs. This combination further promotes cellular oxygenation.

It is important that you follow the correct order – there is an important detail that cannot be skipped!

1. Start by watching the GENERAL DISCOURSE to get an insight into this week’s subject – approx. 11 min.:

2. When you have completed this, you can proceed to PHYSIOLOGY – approx. 46 min.:

Double-clicking each image below will open it in an enlarged version. Sometimes it may be easier to watch while listening to my explanations on video. That way, you can better understand all the details on the whiteboard.

3. And so on to TRAINING – approx. 3 min.:

NB! It is important to view the videos in the correct order – there are details that must not be overlooked!

Good training!
Misha Sakharoff

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I will answer as soon as possible, often the same day.