1955. That’s the number Suresh Rattan can read on his birth certificate. He is a senior researcher at Aarhus University. He says that thanks to evolution we can not imagine ourselves older than 45, and in biological terms we should just give up the spirit once we have raised a few faithful copies of ourselves.
We are born, grow, develop, mature, get children, grow old, and die. Says Suresh Rattan in its book “Age”, which was just released in January 2017.
But age and aging are not as simple as it sounds. Not only is our age going forward. It also goes back depending on how we feel and how we look at ourselves.
He can tell why we get lifestyle diseases after 45 years and that it’s not genetics that determines it but actually our lifestyle. His role in the course is not therapeutic, but to inspire you with new knowledge of aging:
Suresh Rattan is a senior researcher, Ph.D. and D.Sc. at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University. He has published over 250 articles and 15 books on age and aging. And he is a very inspiring gentleman!
From now on you will receive an email with a video inspiration from Suresh Rattan every Thursday morning during our free course – and on our 50-week course if you choose to continue.
Misha Sakharoff
On Suresh Rattan, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suresh_Rattan