List of diseases and symptoms reversible by Buteyko method – Misha Sakharoff

List of diseases and symptoms reversible by Buteyko method


1. Headaches; Migraines
2. Vertigo
3. Fainting (sometimes with epileptic spasms)
4. Insomnia, drowsiness and other sleep difficulties
5. Tinnitus
6. Memory loss
7. Rapid fatigue
8. Irritability
9. Short temper
10. Poor concentration
11. Unsubstantiated fear
12. Apathy
13. Hearing loss
14. Paresthesia (including total loss of all forms of sensitivity, more frequent than extremities)
15. Spasm during sleeping, tremor and tick
16. Vision loss
17. Age related far-sightedness
18.Flashing in front of your eyes,
19. Increase in the intraocular pressure
20. Pain during the motion of eyes upward and to sides, glaucoma, cataract, squinting
21. Parkinson Disease (initial forms)
22. Epilepsy
23. Schizophrenia (initial stage)


1. Sweating, body temperature irregularity, chills
a. Hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, obesity, exhaustion
b. Menopause, PMS, menstrual cycle disruption, morning sickness
c. Breast lumps
d. Impotence, loss of libido
e. Infertility, miscarriage
f. Gynaecological polyps


1. Spasm of larynx and bronchial tubes (bronchial asthma)
2. Loss of voice
3. Allergies, food allergy, medicinal allergy, pharyngitis, laryngitis,
4. Multiple chemical sensitivities
5. Asthmatic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, exercise induced shortness of breath, mouth breathing, frequent deep breathing, chest and shoulder breathing.
6. Absence of pause after exhalation during resting
7. Breathing arrhythmia or hunger for air
8. Unable to take a deep breath
9. Chest constriction
10. Discomfort related to stuffy air
11. Difficult to nose breathe at rest or during light physical activity
12. Nasal congestion, rhinitis
13. Predisposition to cold and chills, including: frequent bronchitis, influenza, etc.
14. Cough (dry or with phlegm,) dryness in the mouth and sinuses,
15. Sinusitis, adenoids, polyps in the trachea, the bronchi, acute emphysema of lungs, pneumosclerosis, interstitial pneumonia, chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis and spontaneous pneumothorax,
16. Loss of sense of smell, chest pains
17. Incorrect posture, deformation of chest
18. Hyperinflation of the chest


1. Tachycardia
2. Cardiac palpitations, spasming of blood vessel in the extremities, brain, heart, kidneys; chills, extremities are sensitive to cold, chest pain, stenocardia, Reynauld Syndrome
3. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
4. Marbling of skin, fragile blood vessels, gingivitis, frequent nose bleeds
5. Pulsation in ears
6. Myocardial infarction, stroke, blood thickening, thrombosis, decrease of the alkaline reserves of blood, electrolyte balance, change of PH in blood, decrease of partial oxygen pressure in arterial blood in initial stage of disease and opposite changes on final stages of disease, etc.


1. Increase or decrease in appetite, cravings, salivation or dryness in the mouth
2. Distortion or loss of taste, irritated bowel syndrome, stomach pain
3. Constipation, diarrhea, dyskinesia of bile tracts, heartburn, reflux, nausea, vomiting,flatulence, some forms of gastritis and ulcer, disease of stomach and of duodenum, etc.


1. Protein, oxalates, urates in the urine
2. Frequent urination, especially at night
3. Bed wetting, cystitis, diuretic symptoms


1. Muscular weakness, physical fatigue
2. Aches in muscles, more frequent in legs (calf muscles), twitching of groups of muscles, strengthening or weakening of muscles tone, atrophy of muscles, pain, restless leg
3. Contraction of wrist tendons


1. Dryness of the skin, rashes, skin itch, hives, eczema, psoriasis, tendency toward fungal diseases, pale gray skin, adolescent acne, pastiness of face,


1. Fatty tumours
2. Salt deposits in joints, skin spots, tissue hypoxia, concealed edemas.

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