World Breathing Day 2016 conference – February 3rd, Gothenburg, Sweeden – Misha Sakharoff

World Breathing Day 2016 conference – February 3rd, Gothenburg, Sweeden

I am pleased to be invited as a speaker at the World Breathing Day conference in Gothenburg on February 3rd 2016.

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Presentation of the speakers.

The speakers come from different backgrounds to highlight the importance of breathing from many different perspectives.
The February 3rd 2016 conference will feature the following speakers (confirmed Nov.15):

  • Anette Aarsland, opera singer and ”breathing nerd” from Norway. She will talk about ”The connection between our breath and our voice”
  • Dr Johannes Lindh MD – Chief Physician and author. He will talk about ”Impaired breathing and poor health”
  • Magdalena Lagerström, yoga teacher and Conscious Breathing instructor. She will talk about ”Breathing retraining at school should be obvious for all students”
  • Anders Olsson, Breathing trainer  –  ”The vagus nerve, the super nerve that is controlled by our breathing” or ”Upgrade your stress response to suit the modern world” –
  • Misha Sakharoff – Intergrative Health Engineer – “Healing Cancer and Lifestyle Diseases  – Synergetic Effect from Breathing and Diet”

All surplus from the conference will go to The Breathing Foundation, and this money will be marked to go to the education of school kids in the importance of good breathing habits in order to reduce stress, fear, pain and tension.

Read more – Download the PDF program – Buy tickets online

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Eva Seilitz, one of the speakers, doing an exercise with the audience.

Background of the conference

In 2012 a Swedish health journalist, Susanne Hovenäs, initiated the World Breathing Day which occurs on February 3rd every year. 

The first breathing conference was held in 2013. The event was so popular that many people could not get a seat. It was a full day conference which gathered 180 participants and some 10 different speakers; amongst others a professor in stress medicine, a chief physician who has realized that many of his clients are hyperventilating, a physiotherapist and a three time Swedish Eurovision Song Contest Winner. All speakers shared their unique perspective on the importance of good breathing for our health and wellbeing.

In 2014 the second breathing conference was held. This time the event took place at the prestigious Karolinska Institute, actually in the same auditorium where the Nobel Laureate in Medicine gives his or her Nobel speech. The event had gathered 450 participants. Dentist Dr. John Flutter lectured about ”Negative impact of Mouth Breathing in Children” and Professor Fahri Saatcioglu talked about his groundbreaking cancer research in ”How we breathe can affect our immune cells”. Other lecturers were Eva Seilitz ”Breathing and yoga – a way out of violence and crime” and Marie Slotte “Breathing – the way to coherent heart and brain”. Anders Olsson talked about ”Conscious Breathing – efficient in physical activity”.

The same day another five conferences were arranged in other cities around Sweden. In total in the six events there were 850 participants and 40 speakers. The events got very publicity with coverage in national papers, radio and tv.

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

World Breathing Day 2014 conference at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Exhibition.

Aim of the conference

The aim is to combine current research with simple breathing exercises and tips for everyday life. The events are targeted towards those who wants to be inspired and get hands on tips and knowledge about breathing in order to strengthen their health and wellbeing.

Non-profit organizations, for example The Breathing Foundation, arrange the events. The surplus is used to support various projects aimed at spreading knowledge about the importance of good breathing habits.

Read more – Download the PDF program – Buy tickets online