“All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.”
– Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, MD
The Standard Textbook on Medical Physiology
The human body is a complex of 13 different systems – ALL of them tube based and oxygen dependent to one degree or another.
According to the most widely used physiology text book used in medical school world wide lack of oxygen (hypoxia) causes all disease .” All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.” Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D, author The Textbook on Medical Physiology.
In the 1920s Otto Warburg won the two Noble Peace Prizes for his research conclusions that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen to body. His “Warburg Effect” have been reaffirmed by more recent scientific research with links to studies you can find on this page.
Cancer therapies must target the key cause of cancer: low body O2. As a result, successful natural complementary therapies for cancer must be based on (gradual) removal of this cause and restoration of normal oxygen levels in body cells.
To optimise body oxygenation on the deepest cellular level I use some of the most advanced cancer therapies for my clients:
– the Buteyko method,
– the Frolov breathing device,
– the DIY breathing device.
My teacher and mentor Artour Rakhimov wrote several books about using optimisation of oxygenation on cell level. One of them is about using these advanced techniques for cancer therapy:
Modern research about Warburg Effect for cancer therapy: