Online Webinar

We use Sakharoff Protocol 

to change the cell environment and stop brain tumor growth

- Instead of only fighting the symptoms with targeted therapies

Webinar Confirmation

Thank you for joining an online webinar with me!

In this webinar I will answer your personal questions and share some of the techniques that you can use right away to make the brain cell environment uninhabitable for cancer cells.

These techniques will form a core of the BEAT DIPG Intensive Bootcamp starting in October 2018.

Get familiar with the new approach to dIPG and gBM – read or listen now!

It’s important that you become familiar with the idea of the non-pharmacological metabolic approach – before you join this webinar. That’s why I wrote a little book about metabolic approach to DIPG and GBM. Please download it as eBook and audioBook – It will take you about 90 minutes to read or listen. 

Please take your time to read or listen the book – BEFORE you join the webinar!

In this way you will have better understanding of the bootcamp, and can ask more concrete questions based on this knowledge - during the webinar.

free book – metabolic approach for brain tumor

Please download my book about applying Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach to healing high-grade brain tumor as DIPG or GBP with Sakharoff Protocol:

Please take your time to read or listen this book – BEFORE you join the webinar!

EXTRA free book For The Inquisitive And Curious​
– breathing and cancer: learn to see the connection

Please download my book that tells why breathing optimization is a lifesaving component of Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach to healing high-grade brain tumor as DIPG or GBP with Sakharoff Protocol:

Join the webinar!

I look forward to help you clarify your questions about your condition and our BEAT DIPG/GBM bootcamp.

Please save this link:

Open this page and join the webinar 5 min before it starts at your local time this week:

I look so much forward to connect with you later this week!

Yours sincerely
Misha Sakharoff

Push The Play Button to connect To The Webinar!

Contact Information

Science & Practice - Misha Sakharoff:

About Sakharoff Integrative Health


  • To empower people through integrative approach to rediscover the natural healing powers of their body, so they can take back responsibility for their health. 

  • To move from sick-care to health-care and towards non-invasive metabolic therapies – instead of constantly finding new genetic pathways to promote the current business model based on creation of new highly invasive chemical drugs.

  • To bring forth a paradigm shift towards education instead of medication.

  • To move back to the old model of medicine. Here, doctors were rewarded for their success in keeping their patients healthy - instead of being paid for trying to heal them when they got sick.


  • Sakharoff Integrative Health protocol is a NPMA - Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach. As such it does no harm in the medical sense, it does not use any medical substances and basically doesn’t require any special equipment. We don’t sell neither the substances or the equipment. We only provide education and training to optimize the body functions essential for health and resilience. We also provide daily assistance to our clients to ensure 100% compliance regarding their activity and measurement regimens.

  • Sakharoff Protocol promotes not either-or, but both-and. It means that the idea of integrative health has to be promoted. We connect the dots - not only nutrition, not only breathing, not only movement but all of that combined in one process.

  • Sakharoff Protocol is in many ways complementary to the work of doctors that are openminded. Our common understanding is that the source of chronic diseases is metabolic dysfunction triggered by wrong lifestyle, through expression of a person's unique DNA.

  • Sakharoff Protocol uses scientific research studies as the foundation for its core teachings and exercises.

  • Sakharoff Protocol looks at triggers and causes of the disease - not only the symptoms. The protocol promotes understanding of lifestyle disease as syndrome with metabolic disfunction - multi-factorial condition with a bouquet of symptoms. Eg. people with Alzheimer’s most often than not get both diabetes and cardiovascular disease and other symptoms of metabolic dysfunction.

  • Sakharoff Integrative Health work on two levels of interest. Firstly, helping individual person taking responsibility for his/her own health. Secondly, with the whole society, facilitating the paradigm shift from the practice of conventional allotropic medicine towards the idea of integrative metabolic health.

References - Scientific Studies

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