Client Story
We use Sakharoff Protocol
to change the cell environment and stop Metabolic Syndrome
- Instead of only fighting the symptoms with targeted therapies
myalgic encephalomyelitis - a story of healing
It's a story of healing of ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) with NPMA (Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach).
Diagnosis - Background
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), SEID (Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease) and also a Combined Term - ME/CFS are all terms that have been used interchangeably over the years to describe a complex, chronic illness characterized by extreme fatigue, pain, and a range of other symptoms that are not significantly relieved by rest. However, there are distinctions in their definitions, historical context, and sometimes in the emphasis on particular symptoms. Click to expand:
Historical Context:
The term "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis" was first used in the 1950s to describe an outbreak of an illness with symptoms resembling poliomyelitis, where patients experienced muscle pain (myalgia) and signs of central nervous system involvement (encephalomyelitis), suggesting inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
Symptom Emphasis:
ME is often emphasized to involve neurological symptoms, including neuroinflammation, indicating a more specific involvement of the nervous system. This definition may stress the presence of neurological signs and symptoms, such as cognitive impairments, autonomic dysfunction, and post-exertional neuroimmune exhaustion, which is a profound worsening of symptoms following even minor physical or mental exertion.
Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID) is a term proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its 2015 report as a new name for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
The recommendation to adopt SEID aimed to more accurately describe the condition and its primary symptom: a profound intolerance to exertion. The proposal intended to address the stigma and misunderstanding associated with the name "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and to highlight the systemic nature of the illness and the significant impact it has on patients' ability to engage in daily activities.
Key Criteria for SEID:
The IOM report specified diagnostic criteria focusing on the core symptoms of SEID, which include:
1. Significant reduction or impairment in the ability to engage in pre-illness levels of activity (work, education, social, or personal activities) that persists for more than six months, accompanied by fatigue that is often profound, is not the result of ongoing excessive exertion, and is not substantially alleviated by rest.
2. Post-exertional malaise (PEM):
A worsening of symptoms following physical, cognitive, or emotional exertion that would have been tolerated before the illness onset.
3. Unrefreshing sleep.
Additionally, to meet the diagnostic criteria, a patient must experience either cognitive impairment or orthostatic intolerance. These criteria aimed to make diagnosis more straightforward and to ensure that the illness is taken seriously by healthcare providers, patients, and the general public.
Purpose and Reception:
Purpose: The proposal to change the name to SEID and adopt new diagnostic criteria was part of an effort to improve clinical care, increase awareness, and stimulate research funding for ME/CFS by providing a more accurate and descriptive name.
Reception: The reception to the term SEID has been mixed within the ME/CFS community and among medical professionals. Some have welcomed it as a step forward in acknowledging the disease's severity and systemic nature. Others have preferred to stick with the established terms of ME or CFS, citing concerns about the potential for SEID to obscure the historical and clinical understanding of the illness.
Historical Context:
The term "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" emerged in the United States in the 1980s when clusters of patients were experiencing chronic, unexplained fatigue not attributable to other known medical conditions.
Symptom Emphasis:
CFS definitions have traditionally focused on chronic fatigue as the core symptom, accompanied by a broad spectrum of other symptoms, including but not limited to sleep disturbances, muscle and joint pain, headaches, sore throat, and impaired memory or concentration. The diagnostic criteria for CFS often include a list of symptoms that must be present for a diagnosis and the exclusion of other medical and psychiatric conditions that could explain the fatigue.
In recent years, the terms have been combined into ME/CFS by many health organizations and researchers to acknowledge the overlap in symptoms and the historical contention around naming. The combined term aims to respect both the fatigue and the neurological symptoms experienced by patients.
The use of ME/CFS seeks to encapsulate the complexity of the illness, recognizing it as a systemic disease with a significant impact on the nervous system, immune system, energy metabolism, and more.
The diagnostic criteria for ME and CFS have varied over time and across different health authorities. The most commonly referenced criteria include the 1994 Fukuda Criteria (for CFS), the 2003 Canadian Consensus Criteria (for ME/CFS), and the more recent 2015 Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) Criteria (for ME/CFS), each with slightly different emphasis on the range and severity of symptoms.
In summary, while ME and CFS may have originated from different historical contexts with somewhat different emphases on symptomatology, their current use, especially in the combined form ME/CFS, acknowledges the considerable overlap in symptoms and the need for a comprehensive understanding of the illness to advance research, diagnosis, and treatment.
My client 25 y.o, resident of Denmark, started in a state of chronic pain, insomnia and fatigue, panic attacks, anxiety, emotional turbulence, morning hyperventilation and low energy.
1. Skeletal symptoms of Marfan syndrome and pain accordingly;
2. Anorexia nervosa atypica - while several doctors disagree;
3. ME / CFS
Strong genetic predisposition to slender body type with 10 persons in the near family same - though without the same ME symptoms.
Clinic for eating disorders suggested that the client should eat "...more white bread and sugar for more energy". The clinic's dietitian recommends eating fat and sugar, white bread, polished rice, white pasta and increase dietary fiber.
Our non-invasive healing strategy
Targeting single genes will always remain the strategy of targeting single symptoms. Targeting single genes will never be able to address the real causes of a complex disease. This strategy has been shown to be a complete fallacy.
Many recent scientific studies show that metabolic approaches can stop and reverse symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) - as ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia, CHVS, GERD, SIBO, IBS, ICV, IAS and other, that are incurable by conventional medicine.
We worked together for 16 months. Our strategy was using a Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach (NPMA) to address the causes of Metabolic Syndrome. We used Sakharoff Protocol to change the body' cell environment and stop metabolic dysfunction.
I used Sakharoff Protocol as NPMA for reversing adrenal fatigue and Metabolic Syndrome. The major part of this work is to address pregnenolone steal as a result of combination of chronic stress and chronic malnourishment.
We trained Buteyko method right from the start, first with small steps then with higher and higher intensity, slowly overcoming plateaus and moving further and further in the healing process.
We changed daily nutrition to make a slow transition to nutritional ketosis.
We made dietary changes to improve nutrient absorption rate and improve mitochondrial function. Exercises against hyperventilation with Buteyko Method helped to increase cellular oxygenation decrease muscle aches and fatigue. Very low intensity structured movement helped to inducing hormetic dose response to initiate mitochondria.
Daily exercises against hyperventilation have optimised sleep and reduced morning hyperventilation (dawn effect and Somogyi effect).
All of this resulted in a slow recovery.
Results of NPMA regimen
What Is Yet To Improve?
My other ME/CFS clients after 3-4 months (Level 1)
on the program:
At the beginning of the program:
“Now I am studying in the program" Metabolic health, energy and personal development "with Misha, about three months have passed. I first encountered chronic fatigue twenty-one years ago. At that time there was no medical information on how to help me, no one met with this then in practice. Often, when doctors say that “you have this for life,” it doesn't make you feel better. But I found the Buteyko method, and it helped me a lot. His breathing method helped me regain control of the situation and add more energy to my daily life. This was really reassuring for me, as I was in a very debilitating state and was in the dark if I could handle it. "
After 3 months on the program:
“I think he is an example of a saying:“ If someone says it’s impossible, please make way for those people who prove otherwise. ” He is one of those people who move forward no matter what. When he finally did an English course on metabolic health this year, I was already waiting in line there on the tentative list and was ready.
In the program, from the very beginning, he has provided tremendous support to all of us. We hear live broadcasts six times a week, some are interactive, some are Q&A, some are videos, and various audio recordings in the app. We hear it many times during the week, often in rather short meetings, 20 minutes or less. The Q&A sessions and other types of meetings last longer. This is just fantastic information, as I said, broader and deeper than anything I have tried before.
And a very soulful online community that is also deeply supportive. In the group, everyone is committed to restoring health by natural methods, everyone shares their experience. Many people share their stories or discoveries in order to share them with others. It is very interesting.
The process is brilliant and I am so glad that it will last a whole year. I am very interested in how I will change over this year. I feel like I am on the verge of a strong transformation. "
At the beginning of the program:
“In 2017, I contracted pneumonia, which did not go unnoticed. After that, in April-May 2018, I was diagnosed with post-viral, chronic fatigue. One of the many verdicts for this diagnosis was the conclusion that there is no medical cure for this condition in the world. There is also a lot of disagreement about what to do about it. In fact, complete chaos.
So I decided to take matters into my own hands and began trying a whole series of alternative therapies that were more or less proven or worked in clinical trials. As part of this process, I have tried everything from functional medicine to mental practices to the carnivore diet.
I tried to practice the method of Professor Buteyko, and even got the first positive results, but after a while the result came to naught, and I again came back to the fact that there was no trace of health.
I found Misha because I was searching on Google for information on chronic fatigue, and I accidentally discovered the Buteyko method on Misha's website. At that moment he did not have a program where one could work with him. I was aware of and inspired by the results and tried some elements that I could read on the site. However, my practice at that time was short-lived in order to get the clear and lasting results that I wanted to achieve. As soon as the opportunity to register for the program appeared, it was not a question for me, I knew that I wanted to work with this person. I knew about all the real cases, how he helped people recover from inoperable cancer. And I have also worked with some of his colleagues who are very respectful of him and his results.
The program was very easy to get started. Everything step by step. There is a lot, a lot of support, both in terms of answering questions and with motivational content. This is an amazing group of contributors with a lot of knowledge and resources. Every week there is a SHIP Circle for participants, there are also Q&A broadcasts, which are very supportive. "
After 4 months on the program:
“My weight returned to the level it was at the age of 20 and stabilized.
I did a complete blood count three months later on the program:
- All my indicators of the state of the liver decreased by half - to the norm. Before that, my doctor and I had been fighting them for two years - without much change.
My testosterone was previously low for my gender and age group. This is the indicator that greatly affects the level of total energy. And he also bounced back.
My control pause, which is a marker of the Buteyko breathing method and at the same time a general marker of the state of health, has doubled during this time. And this is after during the year before the program, despite the daily independent practice of breathing according to Buteyko, I remained at the same level of the control pause. It's incredible - but it really is.
I began to withstand much more active load without side symptoms. This means that instead of focusing on maintaining the same level, now I can begin to increase activity, increase physical activity and begin the rehabilitation process.
Another result is sleep. And this result is very important. Before I could wake up more tired than before going to bed. I had this condition for at least two - two and a half years. And sleep was one of the first moments that returned to normal with the beginning of the program. And now, when I sleep, I actually recover and feel a little better when I get up than when I go to bed the night before. If there is a critical aspect of lifestyle that is critical to me, it is definitely improving the quality of sleep.
Now I can manage my life, and I would not even have thought a few months ago that this is possible. "
Are You Diagnosed With ME/CFS?
The Sakharoff Protocol is a Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach (NPMA) that integrates the 5 main areas of human health into one structured program of training and assisted lifestyle change.
It targets cellular environment of the body as a whole - rather than the genetic expression of particular single genes involved in Metabolic Syndrome.
If you are interested to learn more please the click on the image below ⬇︎
Contact Information
References - Scientific Studies
- Sakharoff Protocol as NPMA for adrenal fatigue and Metabolic Syndrome. Pregnenolone steal as a result of combination of chronic stress and chronic malnourishment:
https://sakharoff.com/pregnenolone-steal-result-combination-chronic-stress-chronic-malnourishment/ - Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic diet for ME/CFS:
http://optimalprediction.com/wp/ketogenic-diet-for-m-e-can-it-really-be-this-simple/ - Calorie restriction for ME/CFS:
http://www.cortjohnson.org/blog/2014/07/10/craig-fasting-health-fibromyalgia-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ - Sleep hacking and brain toxin flush at night for ME/CFS:
http://www.nih.gov/news/health/oct2013/ninds-17.htm - Sleep hacking and nutritional window for ME/CFS:
http://www.drcourtneycraig.com/blog/intermittentfasting - Breathing optimisation, Buteyko Method for ME/CFS:
http://victorlunn-rockliffe.com/Buteyko-s-Discovery - Vagus nerve stimulation for ME/CFS:
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7469526 vagal vagus stimulation
Science & Practice - Misha Sakharoff: misha@sakharoff.com
About Sakharoff Integrative Health
- To empower people through integrative approach to rediscover the natural healing powers of their body, so they can take back responsibility for their health.
- To move from sick-care to health-care and towards non-invasive metabolic therapies – instead of constantly finding new genetic pathways to promote the current business model based on creation of new highly invasive chemical drugs.
- To bring forth a paradigm shift towards education instead of medication.
- To move back to the old model of medicine. Here, doctors were rewarded for their success in keeping their patients healthy - instead of being paid for trying to heal them when they got sick.
- Sakharoff Integrative Health protocol is a NPMA - Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approach. As such it does no harm in the medical sense, it does not use any medical substances and basically doesn’t require any special equipment. We don’t sell neither the substances or the equipment. We only provide education and training to optimize the body functions essential for health and resilience. We also provide daily assistance to our clients to ensure 100% compliance regarding their activity and measurement regimens.
- Sakharoff Protocol promotes not either-or, but both-and. It means that the idea of integrative health has to be promoted. We connect the dots - not only nutrition, not only breathing, not only movement but all of that combined in one process.
- Sakharoff Protocol is in many ways complementary to the work of doctors that are openminded. Our common understanding is that the source of chronic diseases is metabolic dysfunction triggered by wrong lifestyle, through expression of a person's unique DNA.
- Sakharoff Protocol uses scientific research studies as the foundation for its core teachings and exercises.
- Sakharoff Protocol looks at triggers and causes of the disease - not only the symptoms. The protocol promotes understanding of lifestyle disease as syndrome with metabolic disfunction - multi-factorial condition with a bouquet of symptoms. Eg. people with Alzheimer’s most often than not get both diabetes and cardiovascular disease and other symptoms of metabolic dysfunction.
- Sakharoff Integrative Health work on two levels of interest. Firstly, helping individual person taking responsibility for his/her own health. Secondly, with the whole society, facilitating the paradigm shift from the practice of conventional allotropic medicine towards the idea of integrative metabolic health.
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