Stop Chronic Fatigue:
Get back to normal energy and sleep.
Learn how to be reverse the root causes of energy deficiency - even if you have already tried but did not succeed. In just 2 weeks I will help you understand the roots of chronic fatigue - and take the first practical steps toward recovery. It's about small daily steps and lots of support - both mentally, emotionally and practically!
Enrollments until 05 August 2023
You missed out!

Struggling to find the energy to do things you once enjoyed doing - leaving you frustrated, demotivated, and unable to lead a fulfilling life?
"One of the many verdicts for the Chronic Fatigue diagnosis was the conclusion that there is no medical cure for this condition in the world. There is also a lot of disagreement about what to do about it. In fact, complete chaos. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and began trying a whole series of alternative therapies that were more or less proven or worked in clinical trials. As part of this process, I have tried everything from functional medicine to mental practices. But could never get stable results."
Kris, Norway 43 yo, diagnosed with Post-Viral Chronic Fatigue.
At some point you might say to yourself:
- I'm not me.
There is no energy at all, there is no same cheerfulness and health, which was once there. Pain in back and joints is endless and you can't fall sleep.

In the morning you wake up more tired than when you went to bed. And often you wake up with slight stomach pains.
During the day, you don't feel a whole lot of energy. You feel very flat, very tired and, just kind of half dead all of the time. A kind of low energy - and especially a lack of mental energy and mental clarity.
You have now experienced this state for several years. To avoid exhaustion you try to diminish your activity down to very few hours.
What else you might say about yourself?
Maybe you are slightly obese with a long standing anxiety, together with the inevitable depressive periods?
Maybe varicose veins? Maybe also some kind of autoimmune problem that affects you skin and your gut health, somehow connected to a lot of long-term stress.
If you are a woman over 40, maybe you've been hit by menopause, fighting it as hard as you could.
You now realise there is no proven treatment for Chronic Fatigue and a lot of disagreement about how to approach it.

So you decide to take matters into your own hands and begin trying a whole series of alternative therapies. But never succeed getting any stable results.
You are not alone
Hey there, I understand what you're going through – chronic fatigue, lack of energy can really drag you down. You long for that fountain of energy you've never experienced.
It's tough because you fear making things worse and getting into trouble. You're looking for a way out of this trap, but you're cautious about any promises of sudden energy bursts or drastic life changes.
That uncertainty makes you hesitate and wonder if it's even possible to find a complete solution.

Also, do you prefer to keep things under control and within certain limits? Have you seen yourself go too far when things are good and end up overwhelmed and stressed?
But here's the thing – you don't have to do it all at once.
Did you hear about the power of small steps?
We won't promise you a magical fountain of energy that could overwhelm you. Instead, we'll work together to gradually regulate your energy based on your level of security, needs, and comfort. No sudden changes, just a steady journey towards more manageable energy levels, joy of life - and some long awaited stability.

We won't try to press you into believing in complete solutions. We know you have your doubts, and that's okay. Our approach is about creating conditions that make lifestyle diseases harder to develop, putting the power back into your hands. We won't treat symptoms - instead we'll empower you to take control of your health.
Let's focus on what we can do together to make your life better. With time and effort, we'll help you find a balance and achieve the level of energy and well-being you desire. And with some support you can navigate this journey toward a healthier and happier you!
Stop Chronic Fatigue with Misha Sakharoff is an introduction program that is tailored specially for you to understand the roots of chronic fatigue and take the first practical steps toward reversal and recovery.
This 2-week program will serve as a robust stepping stone to start your journey reversing the root causes of energy deficiency. It will allow you to get back to normal energy and sleep.
This program is about daily health work with daily learning and bi-weekly online group sessions. The program uses the SHIP protocol (Sakharoff Health Integrative Protocol) to activate the body's innate self-healing mechanisms through optimization og energy acquisition and distribution by the body.
The SHIP protocol has shown good results in the fight against lifestyle-related chronic diseases, especially chronic fatigue.
The program gives you an opportunity to learn a systemic approach to your health and to start applying this knowledge in your daily life right from the start.
learn to stop energy leaks
During these 14 days you will understand how to stop energy leaks through the following lifestyle aspects:
- Stop energy leaks through dysfunctional sleep: 20+ lifestyle patterns to kickstart health restoration
- Stop energy leaks through food intolerances: the most effective ways to neutralise it
- Stop energy leaks through overcompensation: physical and mental, and how to neutralise it
- Stop energy leaks through stress response and dysfunctional breathing: how to improve by starting from the easiest steps
During these 14 days you will understand your other health challenges connected to chronic fatigue - and how to heal them:
- Autoimmune Disorders and Diabetes, Obesity
- Cardiovascular disorders, Varicose veins, Hypertension
- Chronic Inflammation, pain in the joints, spine, abdomen
- Respiratory Disorders, Asthma
- Skin Problems and Digestive Disorders, IBS, SIBO, Acid Reflux
- Mental and Emotional Health Disorders: Chronic stress, Depression, Anxiety
- Thyroid disorders, hormonal dysregulation
- Neurological disorders, epilepsy, migraines
During these 14 days you will understand how to create energy efficiency through synergy between the main aspects of energy Acquisition & Distribution:
- Breathing, Nutrition, Movement, Mental, Immune - interdependencies between body systems
- NPMA: Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approaches and the ideas of Integrative Health
- Health measurements: the most important aspects of daily heath tracking
- Energy measurement: assessing daily energy levels as the baseline of daily health tracking
- Health progress analysis: of your own personal metabolic restoration process through the automatically computed app charts
- and many other aspects...
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
When you sign up you will receive a welcome mail that describes step by step all the practical details of the program:
On the day of sign-up:
1. Register to our SHIP App and start using the app right after registration.
2. Join our closed Telegram groups (for Live broadcasts, support questions and member chat.
3. Join our tech support group on Telegram for the SHIP App.
Week 1:
On Sunday:
Program start: on Sunday, all the sections that were previously closed will open in the app. Every morning at 5:00 AM in your time zone, new work materials are unlocked in the SHIP App. There will be fresh content waiting for you under the "Course" tab. It will be delivered daily and will slowly lead you on the road to recovery.
On Tuesday
On Tuesday at 4pm GMT you will have your first Live Q&A session with Misha Sakharoff on our Telegram channel. Misha answers the questions you asked in advance - or ask them directly during the Live stream. Replay published right after the live broadcast.
On Thursday
On Thursday at 4pm GMT you will have your first SHIP Circle session with the group members and Misha on our Telegram channel. Basically it's a great conversation on health and life. It's also a live exchange of experience. You can suggest topics that are important for you in advance in the chat - or directly during the Live stream. Participants are live on air with camera and microphone on. Replay published right after the live broadcast.
Week 2:
The second week of the course will feature the same live sessions as during Week 1.
We move in small steps every day. Your responsibility is to digest the daily bits of information and start implementing them into small practical actionable steps. Those small daily steps are your responsibility. We provide you with lots of support twice a week in live Q&A and Circles - both mentally, emotionally and practically!
This is how our program is thought to be - a smart process, with no excuses.
Because even if you have already tried but did not succeed - This Time it should work!
Because in order to reverse Chronic Fatigue Syndrome we need to address the root causes of energy deficiency first. And the 14 days of the course are structured to help you understand those root causes - and take the first practical steps toward recovery.
After 2 weeks?
For those who wish to continue working directly with Misha Sakharoff, on the last day of the program you will be presented with an opportunity to enter his main SHIP Metabolic Health Program.
SHIP is the abbreviation of the Sakharoff Health Integrative Protocol.
This SHIP can take us all aboard on our shared path to health.
Course Modules
14 Days to Help You Learn to Reverse CFS
About Misha Sakharoff
Misha is an engineer of both education, trade and mind. He left his telecom engineering career in 2009 when chronic stress led to illness. It was a point of no return - both mentally and physically. To restore his health he started applying the multidisciplinary systems engineering approach.
This experience led to creation of Sakharoff Health Integrative Protocol (SHIP) for health, based on the idea of the synergy of nutrition, breathing and other areas of human physiology. Misha described his idea about NPMA, Non-Pharmacological Metabolic Approaches to health in an article published by Elsevier Medical Publishing in 2019.
SHIP Metabolic Health Program started in 2016. Since then about 2,000 people had completed the program in three languages (2023).
"By daily education and support, we help you to take full responsibility for your health. Gradual lifestyle changes will give structure and effectiveness to your daily practices. Synergistically this is intended to lead to sustained recovery from chronic disease. The health tracking tools included in the program will make this process measurable."
Misha Sakharoff
Integrative Health Engineer

Here's what people are saying about the instructor

Kris 41, Norway
Post-Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
As soon as it was possible to register, it was no question for me, I wanted to work with this guy. I had also worked with some of his colleagues and they can't speak highly enough about him and his results.
I found Misha because I Googled chronic fatigue and Buteyko breathing and his website popped up. At that point, he didn't have a program where it was possible to work with him. I was aware of his results and inspired by them and tried some of the elements that I could read on the website without staying with it long enough and connecting the dots sufficiently to to get the results I wanted.

Janet Winther 66, England
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I think Misha is an example of a saying:“ If someone says it’s impossible, please make way for those people who prove otherwise.”
He is one of those people who move forward no matter what. When he finally did an English course on metabolic health, I was already waiting in line there on the tentative list and was ready.
In the program, from the very beginning, he has provided tremendous support to all of us. We listen to live Q&A, circles, we receive videos, and various audio recordings in the app. We hear it many times during the week.

Kathy Dunne 39, England
Chronic Stress, Pain, Fatigue, Depression
Misha is a really good teacher, and it is also really friendly group the way it's organised. So I definitely recommend it. So thank you, Misha!
I had already been doing Buteyko breathing for 10 years, so I didn't really think that this course would make such a big difference. But it really has.
Particularly the way Misha brings lots of different elements together that can help you.
So since beginning Misha's course, I've noticed some quite profound changes in my health.

Robert Operman 33, USA
Constant lack of energy
Misha continuously, gently nudges you into actually implementing the information that he gives you. And that's what I really like!
I think it takes a long time to change longstanding habits, so you need just kind of a gentle, consistent force, which Misha does perfectly. I feel consistently inspired to take action rather than pushed. Sort of like, you know, I think it's kind of like having a caring, loving parent that is willing to stick with you as long as you need until you get it.
What I love about Misha's program is that he gives you the information and then he gives it to you again. And then a little bit later, he gives it to you again in a different way."

Arend Hoiting 77, Netherlands
Buteyko breathing specialist
What I appreciate very much in this course is Misha's positive way of coaching all members of the group. In a metaphorical sense, he holds up a mirror to us.
We see ourselves with our flaws and we can really change ourselves for the better. I was fascinated by his metabolic health program from the very first moment.
His programs stimulate the self healing abilities of the body with a non-pharmacological and integrative approach. Being a Buteyko breathing specialist myself, I am very grateful to him for giving me the opportunity to enroll in the program to get all the information and knowledge about his metabolic health program.

Pierre Grejmans 52, Netherlands
Taking responsibility for his own health
What really stands out in Misha's approach is his enthusiasm, his knowledge, and the way he makes sure that you don't fall off the wagon.
Misha came to my knowledge because of his appearance on different Facebook groups about breathing. This has been of my interest for years. Misha's vision and clear explanations fascinated me.
I got more on the program than I expected. Misha is indeed very knowledgeable and not just about breathing. He really connects the dots. It's breathing, it's nutrition, it's movement, it's mental training and lots of process and acceptance of the slowness of the process.
Your progress is 100% measurable!
Chronic Fatigue is a multifactorial syndrome. Practical experience shows that moderate approach to structured lifestyle change is effective for Chronic Fatigue. Moderate approach result in a longterm synergetic effect that is fully measurable, not only as a subjective assessment - but also as an objective measurement *.
On this course we work with some of the most powerful synergetic aspects of health normalisation for reversal of Chronic Fatigue (among others):
Cellular oxygenation rate - from 4 to 6.5% of CO2 (correlated measurement by Buteyko Method)
Fasting blood glucose - from 6 to 4 mmol/L (powerful correlation with chronic inflammation)
Inflammation/ metabolic adaptation to fat burning (Tg/HDL-C ratio) - from 3 to 1
Cellular oxygenation rate
Fasting blood glucose
Inflammation ratio
* Sakharoff 2019 Elsevier, page 15: Buteyko Breathing Technique and Ketogenic Diet as Potential Hormetins in Nonpharmacological Metabolic Approaches to Health and Longevity
Course Bonuses
Besides bi-weekly support sessions and circles with Misha Sakharoff, membership in the SHIP training group (2-week) and SHIP app technical support (lifetime) in Telegram you will receive the following great bonuses:
Access to Q&A database
Access to the Q&A section of the SHIP App with a searchable knowledge database over 2000 video responses to the most common questions. It's like having instant access to a vast body of experience right in the palm of your hand.
Access to measurements
Lifetime access to 20 built-in measurements in the SHIP App FULL version - incl. full lipid and inflammation panels. The application itself calculates the degrees of atherogenicity and reflects them on graphs. You can download all the measurement data to your own platform - you own your data.
Access to health trends
Lifetime access to the SHIP App feature that automatically plots both daily and weekly trends of your metabolic health recovery. Using these charts, we will together monitor how your body's recovery process is progressing, and we will be able to adjust it just for you.
Morning meditation
Lifetime SHIP App access to the guided active meditations that will give you an understanding of Progressive Active Relaxation (PAR) and its relationship with a decrease in minute ventilation.
The morning active meditation will add strength and energy to you for everything that the day will bring you. This is necessary for the subsequent application of this practice throughout the day for any kind of movement and physical activity.
Evening active meditation
Each night can give us a wonderful sleep and comfortable rest, so that we can start tomorrow with renewed vigor and a new charge of energy! Misha's active meditation will help you with this and will give you an understanding of Progressive Active Relaxation and its connection with a decrease in minute ventilation.
Practicing every day will improve your sleep and the ability of your cells to regenerate during the night.
Meditation in motion
The practice of meditation in motion is carried out during the day when walking and other physical activity - for the practice of active relaxation in motion and as a practical training for stress resistance.
We focus on relaxation, one point and the structure of the body, check the angle of opening of the eyes, relax the jaw, observe the position of the tongue.
You are never left alone with questions and problems that arise
"After hearing about the SHIP protocol and Misha Sakharoff's approach, I decided to try it to combat my chronic fatigue. It turned out to be a game-changer.
My no.1 problem, chronic fatigue gradually began to go away, not by 100%, but probably by 40-50%, and this was already a huge success for me.
And at the same time spasms in the intestines and gases stopped.
As soon as I added something to my diet, the spasms returned.
For me, Misha's communication with the group twice a week was very important.
People in the group asked questions, which Misha answered in detail and clearly.
Funny thing is that I often had exactly the same questions, and then I knew that I was on the right track.
This program differs from others in that you are never left alone with questions and problems that arise. I can definitely recommend this program to people of all ages and
lifestyle problems, especially those with chronic fatigue."
Anna Kurlatnik, 46 yo
Building a Good Life's Foundation, One Shovel at a Time
Discovering your point of pain is like finding a grain of sand with the potential to become a precious pearl. I stumbled into a hole on my journey through life, but within that pain, I found my purpose.
Like constructing a house, I learned to transform my pain into something positive. Now, I invite others to join me and guide them as they take their first shovels of sand, laying the foundation for a better life.
My approach is about slow, intentional personal development, combined with a deep understanding of the connection between stress and physiology. There's no "manipulation" here - it's all about embracing the need for a gradual process.
In a world that demands quick fixes, I work with those who are ready to take that crucial first step, accepting the importance of patience and embracing their journey of growth. So, let's build a foundation together – it's worth every shovel of sand.
Chronic Fatigue 2 weeks - one-time payment
You start with Chronic Fatigue 2 weeks (FREE)
and then you proceed seamlessly to
Metabolic Health program w/ Misha Sakharoff (3 months)
You save 99.99 $
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
If, for any reason, you don't like this program, you can get a full refund anytime within 7 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund. An unconditional 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked.
Here’s what people are saying about the course

Kris 41, Norway
Post-Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I would really recommend anybody with my diagnosis with chronic fatigue of any kind to start this program.
Starting on the program was really easy. Everything is step by step. There is of support, motivational content and Q&A calls that are very supportive. It's an amazing group of participants with lots of knowledge and resources.
I have gotten quite a few results. My weight is back down to where it was in my 20s and stable. I got the full bloodwork up after three months, and my liver values were cut in half. My physician and I have been struggling with those for two years without much change.
My testosterone has been low for my sex and age group.
It's a really important thing for energy and fatigue. And my testosterone have the normal values after this program.
Back in 2017 I caught a pneumonia, that I didn't get well from. So in April-May 2018, I got a diagnosis post-viral, chronic fatigue.
One of those diagnoses were: There is no proven cure or treatment. And there's also a lot of disagreement about how to approach it. It's basically a mess. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and started trying a whole series of alternative treatments that were more or less proven or clinically indicated that could work.
As part of that process, I tried everything from functional medicine to more mind directed approaches to control diets. I tried Buteyko with positive results, but the results levelled off after a short while, and I didn't get back into any kind of health.
I found Misha because I Googled chronic fatigue and Buteyko and his website popped up.
At that point, he didn't have a program where it was possible to work with him. I was aware of his results and inspired by them and tried some of the elements that I could read on the website without staying with it long enough and connecting the dots sufficiently to to get the results I wanted.
As soon as it was possible to register, it was no question for me, I wanted to work with this guy. I had heard all the rumors about how he helped people recover from inoperable cancers. And I had also worked with some of his colleagues that they can't speak highly enough about him and his results.
Starting on the program was really easy. Everything is step by step. There is lots and lots of support, both questions answered and motivational content. It's an amazing group of participants with lots and lots of knowledge and resources. And and there's both locals and and question and answer calls that are very supportive.
In the four months I've been working this program, I have gotten quite a few results. My weight is back down to where it was in my 20s and stable. My blood work. I got the full bloodwork up after three months, and my liver values were cut in half. So really good.
My physician and I have been struggling with those for two years without much change. My testosterone has been low for my sex and age group.
It's a really important thing for energy and fatigue. And my testosterone have the normal values after three months in this program.
My control pause, which is a Buteyko term and very good indicator of health, has doubled in the four months I've been on the program. And that is after being at the same level for a year in spite of daily practice. So I practiced Buteyko every day three, four times a day, just to stay at the same level and keep the level of health I had achieved for one year or more than one year.
When I started this program, I started incrementally improving, and now I've doubled my control pause. It's incredible, and it feels really incredible. I'm starting to tolerate more activity without symptoms kicking off.
This means that instead of focusing on keeping me where I am, I can start to increase my activity and increase physical training and start a process of rehabilitation.
So me and my physician and my physical therapist are just starting that phase of my process, which is really, really good.
Another result is sleep. And that's a big one. Not getting sleep that leads to recovery. Waking up more tired than when I went to bed.
This was the state of me for at least two, maybe two and a half years. And that was one of the first things that fell into place with this protocol. So that now, when I sleep, I actually recover, and I get up a little better than I went to bed the day before. And the accumulated effect of this is huge and it's a big, big thing for somebody with my diagnosis.
If there's one lifestyle change that I would point to, that has been crucial for me, it's fixing sleep.
Today my state of health means that I'm able to take care of myself, take care of my family, and there's some realistic hope for the future in terms of my illness. This is actually moving forward in the direction where I'm measurably improving. And I see no reason why that should end. It's a slow process. But any improvement is as good with this diagnosis and where I came from.
So overall, my experience with this program is very positive. Both the teaching part and the coaching part is very good. There's new knowledge introduced every week and it's shaped in a way where I both get to deeply understand the physiology and the evidence supporting the theory. And there's also always a practice connected to it.
So there's a step by step life changing process where I get more and more in control of my own situation and are able to influence and direct my life in a way I wouldn't think possible just a few months ago.
So, I would really recommend anybody with my diagnosis with chronic fatigue of any kind to start this program.
There are very, very few things that I would recommend after trying a lot of stuff. I wouldn't hesitate at all. This is a very good next step on the way to healing.

Thea, 45. Netherlands
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I feel like I'm getting stronger. I've also become more grounded in a more relaxed, uncluttered way. I am more easy going. Better sleep, more energy.
Soon after starting the program, I noticed an improvement in my sleep. But first I went through a lot of detoxification reactions. I also noticed that I had a lot of energy, really a lot.
And I also felt immediately that it was some other energy. Unusual energy for me - it was stable energy. I no longer have energy dips during the day, and the energy allows me to be more active during the day, to work longer.
Also my body has changed a lot. I lost 11 kg already in the first six to seven weeks. I feel like I'm getting stronger. And what has also changed is my feeling of better physical balance and physical stability because of all my exercises throughout the day. I've also become more grounded in a more relaxed, uncluttered way. I am more easy going.

Kathy Dunne 39, England
Chronic Stress, Pain, Fatigue, Depression
Since beginning Misha's course, I've noticed some quite profound changes in my health.
The first being that I used to wake up every morning with slight stomach pains and that stopped completely.
The other thing I've noticed is that I'm getting up much earlier and much more easily. I used to oversleep by about maybe two hours every morning and it's quite easy to do when you're self-employed. So that's been really helpful.
Every evening, I was noticing I was getting depressed by about 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, not severely, but enough to make the evening's unpleasant, and by about a week into the course, that had stopped.
So that's been really, like, I didn't think that would reverse so easily.
I really recommend the course to anyone who has had health challenges or wants to supercharge their health!

Nahum 52, Israel
Extreme tiredness, sleep apnea
I had problems with sleeping. I got awake very, very tired. I even had to stop on the on the side of the roads in the mornings to get some nap after I slept.
So I decided to take care of it. Now I can say the apnea is gone. Also, the snoring that caused me not to sleep very well. I wake up in a very good resting like I slept over the night. It's amazing.
Misha introduced us to the ketogenic diet. At first I was very afraid because it is to eat fat in order to change the metabolic state of the body. It's logical, but it's very frightening. Many years we were pumped in our minds that eating fat is bad. My last ultrasound of the liver was perfect. My triglycerides came to a normal concentration. My sugar levels are well controlled. I feel like I'm more energetic. So, for me it 's more than a revelation. It was to regain control of myself, regain control over my body. This is what I can say about the techniques that Misha told us, and I hope that it will also work for you.

Julia Lally, England
Asthma, OCD, Depression, Obesity
Changes were fairly immediate in that I lost just under 30lb quickly. But the most enormous change has been to asthma symptoms. I consider my asthma has completely gone.
I was drawn to working with Misha because I liked the fact that he worked with a multidisciplinary approach – in particular diet and breathing – and with apparent openness to both. I had found on my own practice that diet had helped breathing and vice versa.
I came to Misha with fairly severe asthma, having fallen back into daily drug usage. I’d been taking steroids for years by this point and had been unable to exercise freely since four or five years old. I was also slightly obese, up maybe five nights out of seven with crippling back pain (medicating myself with wine and codeine) and had a long standing anxiety disorder (OCD) together with the inevitable depression that associates such a thing. So overall in pretty bad shape.
I found Misha to be a very caring, knowledgable and attentive practitioner. I think it’s because of the work he has evidently done on his own health, you can feel this shine through. So it both holds you to account for the work you must do, and offers inspiration as to what you might be able to achieve should you apply yourself.
Changes were fairly immediate in that I lost just under 30lb very quickly. But the most enormous change has been to asthma symptoms. I consider my asthma has completely gone. Something I never previously achieved even when I was actually teaching Buteyko. There was always a degree of steroid needed.
It’s like I now inhabit a different body. It is different. There’s an excess of energy now. So I find an interest in physical exercise that was never there. I go for a walk, and before I know it I’ve broken into a run.
The anxiety is still ever present. But I reckon give me a year of this and my mental health will also be completely turned around. It’s been a life changer for sure. We hold the keys to health and healing. It is totally possible for you too.

Robert Operman 33, USA
Constant lack of energy
Once I got through that adaptation phase, my sleep became much more stable, my energy became much more stable. And I just felt better, my body felt better.
I had a lot of symptoms. I had some kind of autoimmune problem. I had this like scaling like these little scales that would form on my scalp. It was getting pretty bad, actually. I had a little bit of scaly formation on my face right here. Mainly, it was an energy thing, a kind of low energy and a lack of especially mental energy and mental clarity.
So eventually I just, at some point in my life, decided: OK, if I don't take this seriously, it's just never going to happen. Me on my own, it wasn't going to happen, just me coaching myself.
So I knew that I needed to find someone who would help bring me to the next level. And it just seemed like Misha was the guy because of what I had seen. So that's why I decided to ultimately sign up.
Number one, the ketogenic diet to switch to a ketogenic diet and ultimately a carnivore diet has had the most noticeable impact on my health and energy from joining the program.
It was kind of tough at first. There was a week where it just didn't feel right. I wasn't sleeping right. But once I got through that adaptation phase, my sleep became much more stable, my energy became much more stable. And I just felt better, my body felt better. I seemed to bounce back from insults to my health much, much more quickly and that's what I noticed.
The other aspects of life style that were very impactful? I think the biggest thing that's been holding me back from making significant health progress is not waking up early in the morning. That's always been a problem for me. Oversleeping. And when I oversleep, I always have bad dreams and I hyperventilate in the morning.
What was so great about Misha coaching is that he gives you the information and he allows you to make your own decision about what you're going to do.
In the past, I think I've been involved in things where you're given the information once and then you're just expected to implement it. The onus is on you to just structure yourself to implement it.
What I love about Misha’s program is that he gives you the information and then he gives it to you again. And then a little bit later, he gives it to you again in a different way. So he continuously, gently pushes you. I wouldn't say push is the right word, but he gently nudges you into actually implementing the information that he gives you.
And that's what I really like because, honestly, I think it takes a long time to change longstanding habits, so you need just kind of a gentle, consistent force, which Misha does perfectly. I feel consistently inspired to take action rather than pushed. Sort of like, you know, I think it's kind of like having a caring, loving parent that is willing to stick with you as long as you need until you get it.
10 minutes after the purchase you will receive a welcome mail describing the first steps you can take on the course. You will be able to start working on the course right away - taking part in the closed group sessions and practice the meditations in the SHIP app. The rest of the course will unlock on Sunday, where you will receive the first course material in the SHIP App.
If, for any reason, you don't like this program, you can get a full refund anytime within 7 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund. An unconditional 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked.
It depends completely on your level of engagement. Many of Misha's pupils experience less fatigue and more energy already after 2 weeks of integrative practice. Those are people that start implementing the teaching and tips in practice from the Day 1 of the course. They are also being active asking questions on every Q&A session during the week. These people always succeed faster. If they can, we are sure you can do it too!
Yes you will be able to purchase a Zoom session 1:1 with Misha Sakharoff as a bump-offer with 25% off the normal price during the checkout (on purchase of BASIC or PREMIUM). During this 1-1.5 hour personal session with Misha, he will answer your questions about health, life change strategies and your personal issues. This session can help you clarify your personal path towards metabolic health with the SHIP program.
Yes, the possibility for SHIP program certification is available for those who went through 4 Levels (12 months) of the SHIP program and succeeded in changing own health positively. Certified SHIP Trainers are able to make difference for you in both domains - connecting physiological health with physical fitness. Why? Because the prerequisite for being a SHIP Teacher is both a year-long process of theoretical training but also practical implementation to recover your own health - and only then gaining an experience in helping others.
SHIP program certification integrates all the dots of human physiology in one training domain. Through years of training himself and others Misha Sakharoff has formulated a universal protocol for health and resilience (UPHR) that integrates several basic areas of human health into one structured process of training and lifestyle change. Certified SHIP Trainers will make you understand the interdependencies of human health and resilience and help you reach your visions in practice.
Through years of training himself and others Misha Sakharoff have formulated a universal protocol for health and resilience (UPHR) that integrates several basic areas of human health into one structured process of training and lifestyle change. The idea behind my Sakharoff Protocol is to visualize and map the connection between the cellular and the human environment in order to open up for measurable effects on health and resilience through training and lifestyle change. This protocol is described in his peer-reviewed 2019 Elsevier article:
Buteyko Breathing Technique and Ketogenic Diet as Potential Hormetins in Nonpharmacological Metabolic Approaches to Health and Longevity
This protocol has evolved into The SHIP protocol (Sakharoff Health Integrative Protocol), that has already shown tremendous results in reversal of chronic disease, with cases ranging from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) to the most aggressive brain tumours as GBM (Glioblastoma), as described in this 2021 Frontiers article about one of Misha's clients:
Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy, Without Chemo or Radiation, for the Long-Term Management of IDH1-Mutant Glioblastoma: An 80-Month Follow-Up Case Report
Yes all the material you received during the 2 weeks of the course will remain in the app, so you will be able to use as long as you wish.
You will keep on having access to all sections of the SHIP App.
If you choose to proceed to Metabolic Health program after the 2 weeks on the Stop Chronic Fatigue program you will retain membership of the closed SHIP groups in Telegram with bi-weekly Q&A and SHIP Circles. Otherwise the membership will terminate after 2 weeks, as it is for active members of Misha Sakharoff's programs only.
I made a lot of discoveries for myself in terms of health
"Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis for 14 years, I had tried various treatments with a very limited success. When I came across Misha Sakharoff's "Chronic Fatigue" program, I decided to give it a shot. And I'm so glad I did!
I made a lot of discoveries for myself in terms of health.
Having communicated with Misha at the program, I realized that he is a competent, versatile person who has gone through the difficulties of his own recovery. He boldly takes under his wing those who want to get the right direction in the treatment of many diseases.
It was easy and interesting to study on the program. I have a desire to continue studying with Misha. I'm now recommending his programs to all my friends who are interested in their health."
Lilya Petrenko, 51 yo
Rediscover the body's natural healing powers. Join 2,000+ Students
Enroll now and start your integrative health journey right away!
Personal Note from Misha Sakharoff
My slogan is Education Instead of Medication. We need to rediscover the body's natural healing powers. It will allow us to take full responsibility for our health back in our own hands. Education Instead of Medication is a real paradigm shift. I can show you how to do it - and support you walking the talk on our path together.
I can help you to get empowered with a non-invasive metabolic therapy - and work with the causes of the disease. The alternative is to keep relying on continuous development of chemical drugs - to only remove symptoms.
Let's do it together!